COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Perhaps you haven’t heard, but it’s a highly contagious and surprisingly deadly respiratory virus. It has killed millions of people around the world.


Gooh with this awful trolling please and thank you

I’ll tell you a few reasons why I care:

  1. I recently went to visit my Dad and Stepmom. They are both vaccinated and relatively health for their age, but, especially given their age they would prefer not to get Covid and I would definitely not want to give it to them. I tested before the visit. Even though the tests aren’t foolproof, it was nice to have a little extra peace of mind.

  2. I live alone and if I did start having symptoms, it would not necessarily be easy for me to immediately get my hands on a test if I didn’t already have a supply. If I do test pos, I can then call my doctor to see how they want me to proceed [like, how to make myself more comfortable at home and what symptoms should worry me enough to get medical attention, etc.], and let some close friends know so that they can maybe text or call me periodically.


Maybe you’ll understand this guy:


Trolling implies that he knows better. I’m not sure he does.

Paxlovid has to be administered within 5 days of symptoms starting, so knowing early is pretty key.

From the data I’ve seen the risk of death for a 25 yo male contracting covid seems to be about 0.00005. I wouldn’t call that surprisingly deadly. Perhaps I’m misinterpreting the numbers?

If you want people to fall in line and follow a program it’s probably a good idea to be willing to explain the reasons why. Gooh isn’t particularly helpful. I simply asked why I should order these test kits and if it’s important to do so

Cactus is busy, so I’ll take this one for him.

“I’m a young, healthy person. The chance of me needing paxlovid is ~0, so IDGAF”.

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I’m more than happy to swab my nose now and then to reduce my risk of long term brain/lung/heart issues, which while low are not ~0.

Well, you’re not him.

I’m also interested in how he reconciles his risk assessments in various aspects of his life. Runs around with a gun because his life (or the life of some random innocent) could be in danger but gives no fucks about COVID.

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Thank you for being the only one able to provide an actual answer. So you test before meeting with someone vulnerable even if you’re not showing any symptoms… I don’t know of anyone who falls into that category for it to be a concern so wouldn’t have thought of doing that. But it’s definitely a valid reason to have tests on hand


Now try and stay with me here. Let’s say that you knew Bigoldnit in real life. She’s not vulnerable, so you say, “Well, even if I have COVID and give it to her, nbd, she is not vulnerable”. But lets say you give it to her and then she gives it to her vulnerable parents. How do we feel about that?

So, all these people you know that don’t fall into “that category”, do you also know everyone they associate with?

I promised a mod that I’m done with this thread for now, but just to answer this…

I can only speak for myself and what I’d do in BigOldNit’s situation. I would be extra careful taking every precaution I could. That includes wearing a mask everywhere I go. I also think her idea of testing before seeing vulnerable loved ones is a great idea. Now let me ask you a question and I won’t respond because I’m done…

If Bigoldnit does what I outlined above, does it really matter what I or anyone else does? As long as she tests before seeing her dad he should be fine, right? I’ve stated clearly that I believe the ethical thing to do is reduce our covid footprint. But I don’t like this idea of blaming others who for whatever reasons make different lifestyle choices. I’m more than happy to take precautions for others. My general rule is if I see someone wearing a mask, I’ll put mine on because they are obviously concerned either about themselves or a loved one. Otherwise, I really don’t worry about covid. Now go ahead with your snarky reply and get the last word

You’re really having a rough go of it, huh?

No, tests aren’t 100% accurate and there’s a window of time where you can be contagious and test negative. Depending on the variant and a bunch of variables that could be a window of a 1-3 days probably.

Let me ask you a question that I won’t respond to because I’m here to JAQ off and troll. Very good faith approach here.


Sure, it does. She could be asymptomatic get a false negative on her home test. Presumably everyone you know is not Bigoldnit, so if you think really hard you can come up with other reasons why testing/quarantining even if you don’t know anyone who is vulnerable is a good idea.

Edit: Cuse beat me to it. In my defense, I did think a bit and erase a paragraph of dunking in the spirit of magnanimity, so that slowed me down.

So you can be more aware and careful and you don’t end up killing someone else with your carelessness.

If you wil just stay at home and never interact with humans there is less reason to get tested.

You don’t know who has comorbidities or are immunosuppressed when you are out in public. Knowing if you have Covid or not allows you to be a decent human being and not an oblivious ass.

Are you suggesting that Cactus should test, regardless of whether or not they are experiencing symptoms, before they meet anyone? Are you doing that?

No, of course not. I’m suggesting that if he has reason to think he has COVID (e.g. symptoms or positive contact), then he should test and quarantine. His position seems to be that, in that case, testing is not necessary since he doesn’t hang out with anyone vulnerable that he knows of and if they give it to someone vulnerable then it is their fault and not his.

Sorry if that wasn’t clear initially.