COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

When this all kicked off, 1 million deaths seemed crazily unlikely. Now it feels like 2 million is a given.

To the extent that our Covid footprint impacts society and individuals, Iā€™m all for taking precautions. Otherwise, Iā€™m just not that into telling others how to live. I would never attempt to free solo El Capitan. That seems insane. But if you or others want to have a crack at it, knock yourselves out. Same with wearing a mask, getting vaccinated, smoking, drinking, eating fast food, etc. Obviously, Iā€™m immoral or something

Lol, bud, you didnā€™t say any of that. You said ā€œwhy should we have sympathy for them or care that they are dead.ā€ The fact that thereā€™s a million dead and basically we donā€™t care is not a good sign for society going forward. Not getting into one of your usual martyr cosplays.

Iā€™m just saying how sorry can you feel for someone who made a choice? I mean, when someone perishes base jumping, I feel bad, think it was a shame, and preferred they didnā€™t die, but Iā€™m not gonna wring my hands over it. They utilized their freedom to do what they wanted and died doing it. If anything, that seems a good thing.

Maybe Iā€™m just not eloquent enough to explain my takes, which while in the minority, I feel are reasonable. Iā€™m not trying to be a martyr, but the pattern of pretty much every one of the arguments I get into on here is that I donā€™t feel the same level of sympathy for those who make a choice and suffer the consequence of that choice as everyone else does

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A better analogy would be someone who was convinced by internet misinformation that parachutes actually kill people that jump out of airplanes, so they refused to use one when jumping out of an airplane. Itā€™s stupid on the part of Deplorable Plane Jumper Man, but still the assholes that told him that parachutes are a hoax are still assholes, and Deplorable Plane Jumper Manā€™s death isnā€™t a Fulfillment of Personal Freedom to celebrate.

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The world is just not nearly this black and white.

Iā€™ll concede this point. I donā€™t feel like arguing. I guess Iā€™m just apathetic to certain things. I mean Iā€™d feel sorry for an old person who got swindled or didnā€™t have an understanding of something. But an under 60 Trumper who suffers a consequence due to stubborn or willful abject stupidity? Canā€™t do it. But then, neither would I feel sorry for someone like myself whoā€™s early bravado about Covid just not being that dangerous to younger healthy people. If that got me killed, then ā€œoh wellā€ is what you guys should be saying. Cactus fucked around and found out

And to be clear, I very much care and think itā€™s tragic all the elderly and those with comorbidities that got sick or died due to some moron relative not taking covid seriously enough to adequately protect them. Itā€™s the moron relative (who died or not) that I have a difficult time feeling sorry for

Even crazier given what the real peak number likely was.


Bulgarian mask usage continues to be very low.

Was low when I was there last summer (exception being Sofia). No enforcement at all. Just open disdain for both the vaccine and mask mandates. Having the second highest covid deaths per million isnā€™t gonna change their mindset.

Thereā€™s a reason itā€™s the least vaccinated country in the EU. Even if you include the rest of Europe, only Bosnia and Moldova have lower rates.

Up next: Deltacron

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COVIDā€™s releasing Greatest Hits collections, itā€™s definitely over.


You know that ā€œlast tour everā€ is always a lie. Covid is the rolling stones of disease.


More shocking evidence that kids spread covid really well, but a lot less when they wear masks


Shocking, totally shocking.

You can order another 4 tests from the feds, total of 8. Just worked for me.


NOW Thatā€™s what I call COVID Volume 5.

Serious question. Why is everyone online so concerned about having these test kits? My only guess is to find out ASAP if you have Covid so you can do the responsible thing and quarantine. Other than that, I donā€™t see the point. Is that it? For quarantine purposes and should I order one?

Yes you got it exactly. You use a covid test to find out if you have covid.


I guess you didnā€™t get it. The question was, why should I care if I have Covid?