COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Yeah then we wake up in five years and wow thats so odd life expectancy down 5 years.

With the brain research coming out, looks like COVID has made us all eventually into heavy smokers exposed to leaded gas.

Iā€™m not sure what to make of that paper. Those type of scans have shown such little clinical value in the past, but maybe it is significant.

What do you think of the IQ studies? Long-COVID stuff so hard to wade through as a layman.

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One could argue that the average person that got Covid was dumber than average so how do we know Covid lowered their IQ? Seems like low IQ causes Covid.


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I know thats tongue and cheek, but I do worry about all sorts of biases on these kind of studies. Then layer in the science starting to get over my head and social media going max alarm about everything and its hard to figure out like wtf actually matters.

Has there been a respiratory disease that caused IQ damage years down the road?

Seriously there is no baseline. IQ is a shitty test. There is all sorts of confirmation bias. Itā€™s nonsense at this point.

The argument/worry is that it isnt just a respiratory disease, but a much broader illness where the acute phase can have severe respiratory symptoms.

Donā€™t know them off the top of my head. Doing a lot less Covid reading these days.

Iā€™ve yet to have a Covid patient since returning to work

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Well thats good news at least.

We know that we lose cognitive abilities as we age, but do we know that it happens gradually? Is it possible that itā€™s really happening in chunks here and there after bouts with the common cold coronaviruses or other illnesses?

Thatā€™s something that the research on COVID and IQ has me wondering.

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You could go nuts worrying that the common flu takes five years off your life, still seems like this is way far ahead of what the data support.

Iā€™m sort of looking at it in the opposite way. Iā€™d like to see a study tracking maybe 1,000 or 10,000 people, checking their IQ annually and testing for the flu and other coronaviruses every few months. If thereā€™s a correlation, that would help us quantify the COVID-19 risk relatively, and if itā€™s pretty similar, that would be a reason to stop worrying about that aspect IMO not go nuts worrying about it.

$14 billion to Ukraine? Of course, of course.

$15 billion to prevent the next economy shattering pandemic? How are we gonna pay for it?!!

Maybe Lockheed Martin or Raytheon can come up with COVID tests or something so Congress will be willing to buy them.


Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, a sociologist at the University of Minnesota

I refuse to believe that is a real name.


Sheā€™s married to Dr. Madison Square-Garden.


Not Dat Fenway-Park?

Of this, I would love to know how many were actively trying to be as safe as possible (like Johnny Truant and many others here) versus how many were due to -Iā€™ll take my chances - carelessness by younger people (such as myself) or straight up science deniers like Trumpers? I donā€™t think we should have much sympathy for these latter two groups and Iā€™m tempted to go so far as to say, who cares and why are we fretting over these deaths? My main concern was always for the elderly and those with comorbidities

aka people

A million dead, why should we care, sums up pretty well why we are turbo fucked as a society.

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