COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

No worries.

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A lot of talk Euro side about Eric Ding(dong)'s recent tweet about Denmark staggering death rate currently.

These deaths are WITH covid not DUE TO / FOR Covid as the country got ā€˜superhitā€™, probably with BA.2

again, if you could link what youā€™re talking about it would be really helpful.

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Im highly skeptical of with/for COVID data being anywhere near accurate. Lets see how the excess death all cause data eventually comes in.


Also 100% this.

It goes further than that even, example:

75 year old man gets covid, doesnā€™t eat normally, passes out and breaks his hip. That comes with a 1 year mortality rate of ~30%. He dies of a UTI a few months later because heā€™s laying in bed in a diaper all the time 4 months later.

Thatā€™s not even a with covid death

Also IIRC there are different definitions by jurisdiction like deaths after reinfection dont count in stats in some place. I get the desire to separate the stats out for policy purposes, and I know what Churchill is getting at (Feigl-Ding using stats without context to ring alarm bells). I just think it is very difficult to do accurately in practice and does likely skew to an undercount as in your example.

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Most monitored population ever - remember I am stating ā€˜WITHā€™ not ā€˜FORā€™ and Eric being wrong saying ZOMG, Omicron killing more people in Denmark (for some strange reason)

Hereā€™s his tweet which is horseshitā€¦

As the study above shows, the deaths are no higher per case rate than Deltaā€¦ the cases just all came at one time.

Welcome to the thread, Mimosa

Right. I am highly skeptical that all cause mortality is 15-20% below prior peak yet COVID deaths are 2/3 lower. Im not going to defend Feigl-Ding because my default assumption is that he has some valid information and spinning it in the most alarmist way possible with little context.

EDIT: Not sure what you wrote below, but Im not taking a shot at you FYI

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Here in Ohio, cases have plummeted as well. In my county (Franklin), weā€™re at just under 9 cases per day per 100k. At my university, testing positive rate has been <1% for the past 3-4 weeks. Positive COVID reports from my kidsā€™ schools have been coming in at a trickle, compared to the double-digit reports we were getting at the beginning of the school year. Those facts, combined with widely-available vaccines (sorry, parents with young kids), combined with the lack of discussion of variants of concern, has led to me being less worried and more optimistic than Iā€™ve been since the start of the pandemic.

My university still has a mask mandate, but Iā€™m at the point where if/when they revoke it, I think Iā€™ll be fine taking it off in the classroom.

[Sweet summer child. Canā€™t wait to have the rug pulled out from under me.]


It is possible/somewhat likely that Omicron was seeded from a 2020 infection. Enjoy the low transmission time but it is more likely than not we get a new problematic VOC than that we donā€™t get one (at least per most of the epi/science people I follow)

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Didnā€™t get the booster because I got breakthrough covid in August and then probably got the Omicron in December/January. Spent five days with my sister after Christmas, flew home during peak Omicron, then felt sick for a day on like the second. Sneezing, fatigue, headache. Went to bed early and then felt fine. On like the fifth my sister calls me and says sheā€™s been bedridden for four days with covid. So Iā€™m probably going to just wait and see. But if I didnā€™t get covid in August I probably would have been boosted in October or November.


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This. I do worry that Omicron was the fake out. And PI or whatever is going to be just as contagious but with higher morbidity.

And of course, no one is going to want to go back to NPIs until itā€™s way too late, if at all.

That said, I have some hope that Omicron accelerated ā€œeveryoneā€ having at least some immune memory and that could make it harder for the next strain.

I would strongly advise boosters regardless of infection history. The downside is so small and the upside is so big. Itā€™s not even close.


You are choosing to be less safe and a higher risk to those around you. Thatā€™s fine. We all make choices that involve risk but donā€™t try to convince us, or yourself, that itā€™s some rational choice based on reducing risk.

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I donā€™t want to try to convince you of anything. Ikioi asked for different perspectives and I gave mine.

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No more masking requirements at work. I guess we won?

Same. Iā€™m almost certain that Iā€™ll be the only one masked today. Not looking forward to that.

I go back on Monday for the start of my hybrid shifting. Will likely be the only one masked. Dont care, will be wearing it despite any looks I may end up getting