COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Omicron cases have been falling remarkably fast in Oregon. Our 7dma is now lower than any time since before the delta wave, excepting the reporting anomaly around Thanksgiving. I am also a bit surprised that we have not yet had any talk of any new variants of concern that are more divergent than BA.2. We just had a shitloads of incubators.

Mask and testing requirements dropped in my workplace (a college) for the first time in 22 months. Somebody unfurl the Mission Accomplished banner!

Hey here too

COVID is finished!!!..

I love that WWIII started literally the same week LA dropped masking requirements. Just super.

We havenā€™t been normal since the day Trumpā€™s primary run stopped being funny.

If the Chiefs hadnā€™t won a super bowl in there, I would probably be a homeless crackhead by now.


1st moderna: nothing & shrug
2nd moderna: unholy & not coolā€”outrageous fever dreams, glowing hatchet headache, still haunted
3rd moderna: nothing & shrug


3 Pfizers - never felt a thing. Pretty sure I got placebos.

I did go for long walks or hikes right after each shot. Maybe that helps somehow. But also I rarely get sick. So maybe my immune system is good at destroying bad guys before they can cause fever.

Great days indeed. Iā€™ll go as far as to say that defeating Omicron is definitely going to make the ā€œtimes we defeated COVIDā€ top ten lists in 2035.


Kinda surprised that they are dropping them now, but didnā€™t drop them over summer 2021?

My university is still under a mask mandate. We did do away with it for a couple of months when cases were in the single digits per day statewide.

Yeah this is in New York - governor dropped all the mandates. Weā€™re clipping like 2% poz and 5 cases per 100k, however dumb the metrics are. Not quite to last summer levels, but getting down there.

Taking the masks off now isnt nearly as destructive or annoying as how slow the government is going to be at reimplementing mitigation during the next surge is going to be.


Iā€™m giving people the benefit of the doubt and assuming they just forgot youā€™re supposed to cover your mouth when you cough because they got so used to always having a mask on but sweet Jesus my coworkers are driving me insane walking around coughing in common areas. Oh well, at least everyone has to answer 3 questions when clocking in and no one would ever lie about having possible COVID symptoms so Iā€™m sure everything is fine.

Iā€™ll keep you updated


Good news that Omicron variant didnā€™t catch on (would dig out your reply at my announcement but canā€™t be arsedā€¦ ditto ā€˜UK Variantā€™, Delta, etc.)



Funny Dan, reminds me of the vax and spreading ITT. Close but no banana.

About as close to a TD as Bulgaria to Russia. Reminds me Rugby players should be wearing helmets.

ETA below: Iā€™ll stick to .gifs next time, thanks for the warning

Lay off please.

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I thought the latest one was going to rip through our immune system like a hot knife through butter?

The point is that making the same prediction over and over and finally being right is no reason to spike the ball.

Yes it was inevitable that one of the variants was going to come on like Omicron.

And I personally appreciate the warning posts from you regarding variants. I do take the chicken little part with a grain of salt.

Iā€™m just trying to poke a little fun. Please donā€™t take it seriously. Feel free to volley back.

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I reported first on 4 variants Dan, 4. Only the ones that became named, Not the other 245,657 covid variants. So the broken clock theory doesnā€™t sit well but, whatever.

This too is me trying to have a little fun, forgot the :)

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