COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Moderna booster/flu shot double were a nothing burger for me. Sleepy day.

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triple pfizer, I didnā€™t really have anything significant from the first two and had some mild fatigue about 36-48 hours after the third. when I say ā€œmildā€ I mean I bitched and moaned about it a LOT but in the grand scheme of things it was nbd

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Triple pfizer, no meaningful side effects to any of them other than maybe feeling a bit tired/off the next day, but who knows, I have probably had those same ā€œside effectsā€ a couple dozen times since. Also havenā€™t died of the 'rona, so hooray for science juice.

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Triple Pfizer. Felt pretty bad for a while on 2nd dose, but 3rd didnā€™t get much of anything.

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Booster shot kicked my ass pretty good for 24-36 hours. Felt very lethargic and was difficult to sleep.

About as intense and for about as long as my initial shot (one dose JNJ).

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No side effects worse than a slightly sore arm with any of my 3 Pfizer doses.

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Same here, was seriously wondering if I was in a secret control group or something lol.


I had a mix of Moderna and Pfizer, just a mildly sore arm all three times.

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I think my third shot side effects were slightly worse than my second, and worse than like an annual flu shot, but no huge deal. Lots of fatigue, mainly. I woke up for 5 minutes in the middle of the night with chills then fell right back asleep and they were gone when I woke up, and some arm/shoulder soreness near the injection site. I also took zero Advil/Tylenol for at least like 24 hours after each shot.

My advice is get tons of fluids the day of the shot and as long as symptoms persist, and when you get tired take a nap if possible, and if itā€™s night time go to bed early. Sleeping and letting your immune system do its thing will do wonders for reducing the side effects.

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Got a third Moderna

For me, it was not as bad. Still felt shitty but only for a day, not two days.

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Pfizer x3, Moderna x1

Like the worst hangover after each of Pfizer 2 and 3 and Moderna 1. Chills, headaches, delirium. Lasted about 2-3 days each time.

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first dose was worst for me. next two much milder.

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If you donā€™t mind me asking, are you immunocompromised or did you just choose to get a fourth? Iā€™m probably getting a fourth soon so Iā€™m curious about how others have timed it and how shot #4 compared to shot #3.

My wife is immunocompromised so I want to do everything I can to make sure I donā€™t pass it on to her. For shot #4, I went to a different pharmacy from the one that gave me my previous shots and they didnā€™t do anything to check whether I should be getting it. I told them it my first booster and they just gave it to me. My fourth shot was about 5 months after my third (Sept, Feb).


Thanks for sharing, I hope you guys are able to continue dodging it. So nothing different as far as the side effects went for #4? Iā€™m now more than six months removed from shot #3, so planning on doing #4 before the WSOP.

I figure Iā€™ll probably get a fourth at some point. I see no downside and I might as well stay up to date in case some crazy new variant pops up and a new wave hits.

Thanks. Yeah no difference from shot 3 in terms of side effects.

FWIW, my wife unexpectedly got administered a fairly rare drug that supposedly helps people like her ward off Covid shortly after I got shot #4. If I had known that was going to happen, Iā€™m not sure I wouldā€™ve gone ahead with shot #4 rather than waiting for more info on effectiveness and timing. I probably would have, but it wouldā€™ve made it a closer call.


Thanks for all the feedback.

#3 had similar side effects to #2, but slightly more severe. I was back to 100% in 1.5 days, so nbd really.

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for me 3 > 4~2 >>>1, in decreasing order of side effect severity.