COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Apparently, we’ve not only given up, but we were wrong for even trying.

Meanwhile, in a Ukrainian air raid bunker…


Im deeply offended

by how unfunny that was

Are they really, or did Omicron just redefine a much much higher “rock bottom” for everyone?

The point LG2 is making, I think, is that there are certain places that at-risk immunocompromised people have to go, like grocery stores and pharmacies, so if we’re going to be careful anywhere, those are the places.

It’s a wrap. Nobody cared about omicron and they won’t care when the next waves come and go. You’ll get some “think of the healthcare worker” news pieces that people will nod grimly at while shrugging and plodding onward.

If you aren’t doing stuff now it’s because it turns out you didn’t really want to do that stuff before.

At least we faded apocalypse for now. Ggwp thanks for helping me not die.

There’s still plenty of stuff I love doing that I’m not doing in order to be careful.

What risk level is your county, according to the CDC?
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • I do not live in the USA

0 voters

Needs a LOL counties option.

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To make it easier for folks to look it up.

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I was surprised I was in a medium and not low county.

I was surprised I was in a high and not lol covid is over county

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Turns out my wife got her vaccine card done under the wrong legal name.

Might be easier to revaccinate than to get it corrected in the state database.

In California, starting March 1, masks will no longer be required for unvaccinated individuals indoors, but will be strongly recommended for all individuals in most such settings. After March 11, schools and child care facilities will not longer need to masks, but face coverings will be strongly recommended.

Thanks for the whole 13 hours of notice, I guess.

Confirmed over/coming to an end for the West Coast Pact. gwb_mission_accomplished.png

This sucks, but also this article seems pretty poorly written.

The numbers for protection from infection are more reliable. Vaccine effectiveness against infection in the older children decreased to 51 percent from 66 percent. But in the younger children, it dropped sharply to just 12 percent from 68 percent.

I can’t actually tell from the article’s use of “drop” what the actual comprisons are, but it’s certainly not good news that effectiveness is just 12% against Omicron. [Edit: Looking at the actual report here, the drop is a decline is over time - from late November through late January.]

This is the really stupid part:

The numbers change drastically between ages 11 and 12. During the week ending Jan. 30, the vaccine’s effectiveness against infection was 67 percent in 12-year-olds but just 11 percent in 11-year-old children.

“The difference between the two age groups is striking,” said Florian Krammer, an immunologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

The biological difference between the two ages is likely to be minimal, but while 12-year-old children got 30 micrograms of the vaccine — the same dose given to adults — children who were 11 received only 10 micrograms, he noted.

This is super interesting because it would almost suggest that it’s the dose that makes the difference,” he added. “The question is how to fix that.”


Given Krammer’s credentials, I assume he’s not as dumb as this quote makes him sound?

In any event, our 11-year old received this weaker dose, and now it seems like waiting 4 months until his 12th birthday to get a big boy dose is more important than rushing to get the kid-sized booster.

Third jabs beginning to roll out in Japan.

Has everyone here gotten a boost, and if so how did the side effects compare to the first two? I believe for me it would be a third Moderna.

Anyone opt not to, and if so, reasons?

It was a little worse for me. I definitely saw less people in the ER for side effects of the third dose in general, but that might be because people knew what to expect.

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I had similar side effects for all three shots. Flu-like symptoms for a day, then totally fine afterward.

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For me the side effects of the third shot were milder than that of the second shot.