COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

pandemic over ldo, war’s on


Pandemic definitely over in Sydney. Mask mandates were dropped and you are now definitely in the minority if you wear a mask in a shopping mall.

To be fair though, pandemic actually over in Sydney? Like what I mean is, if you’re not normalising life now, then when? What are we holding on for?

Pretty much this. Thousands of people maskless in Prague protesting the war.

I mean it’s a noble protest obviously but also a superspreader event.

The Omicron Wave looks like something from a horror movie. This is new case data from Christmas through yesterday.

In other news, AZ will move from daily to weekly reporting of COVID data this week. Must be safe to go out again.

As usual the local govt has managed to completely fuck up the transition back to masks optional. Some places still require masks, some don’t.

I was in the middle of my first Karen situation at a 7-11 where the clerk was demanding some big hayseed guy put on a mask, and he was complaining that the mandate was lifted. She was doing a great job of escalating the situation - and I’m standing there like lady can you just scan my breakfast taco so I can get the fuck out of here? Meanwhile at the 7-11 a half mile away no one wears masks including the clerks.

At Vons they have a sign that says the unvaccinated can go maskless. So I wore my mask out of habit. But then I swear maskless people were looking at me like I was some unwashed unvaccinated heathen. So I took it off. Then an old man with an N-95 looked at me like I was going to kill him. So I put it back on.

Total clusterfuck.


At the supermarket this morning in NH all of the employees and approximately half of the customers were masked.

suzzer putting on and taking off his mask constantly based on other people looking at him is the most suzzer thing ever


Yep I’ve always been that way. I just want to get along. I abhor awkward situations.

I go to the gym 4 days a week w/o a mask. I’m not worried about dying from going to the grocery store w/o one. So it’s all about whatever everyone else is doing.

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Well you’re in the wrong fucking internet forum, that’s for sure.

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In person. I have no problem arguing behind a keyboard.


Going to the gym without a mask is why you should wear one at the grocery store. The government sucks at explaining this and people still aren’t able to figure this out for themselves after two years. You aren’t alone with the do what everyone else is doing though, you are right, it is a clusterfuck.

Maybe COVID and the Putin nukes will be good things for the Earth long-term. It can try again with a new dominant species and hope to run better.

EDIT: to be clear this isn’t a shot at you, it is at the lol CDC and government approach to COVID mitigation which has been and continues to be a bad and bipartisan joke.

Cases are in LA are hitting rock bottom. Is there a point where you’d be ok with not wearing masks in the grocery store?

Probably not until they have more of the drug for the immunocompromised widely available. Wearing it in the grocery store or the pharmacy pretty easy and I don’t want to have someone’s death on my conscience.

Cases in LA still look well over most of last years levels too.

Academic at this point, this is America, no one cares about the high risk and lol CDC and Grandpa Biden sure as shit don’t care (much like I won’t care about Election Day going forward).

I can’t speak for everywhere but I can get paxlovid for immunocompromised people easily.

I’m only staying hard mask at this point because I have an infant

I meant Evushield which AFAIK is still tough to get.

But yeah the EUA for U5 also another thing that would make it a little more comfortable. Might just wear them in certain situations permanently tbh, don’t really see a need to shop in a grocery store without a mask and it has been nice not getting colds (not a public policy statement, just a personal one)

I don’t think that has a proven morality benefit

it doesnt cure amorality?

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When the kids get vaccinated. Not sure if that’ll be this year or two more years when the youngest turns 5, or somewhere in between.

My wife and I are doing the same. Total illness has been way down since masking. See no reason to stop now if it helps prevent getting sick