COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I was wearing one in the poker room and someone made some comment like don’t you feel like a sheep tho? I said I’m the only one in the whole room wearing one so who is the sheep here?


Well, so far I was shockingly wrong. About 60% still masked on the day shift. Will be interesting to see how long the number stays that high.

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In Japan everyone is still masked. When will it end?

I need to make a decision in the next few days about the optimal timing of my next booster for the WSOP. Does anyone recall where that study was on the peak protection and the range of waning times?

I know it’s 10-14 weeks once protection kicks in, but I recall there being some discrepancy on how long from the booster to the protection maxing out.


would get it 4 weeks before if the goal is to max protection during the wsop

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Like CN said, 4 weeks after getting boosted seems to be the peak

In the newest study, another team showed that a third shot creates an even richer pool of B cells than the second shot did, and the antibodies they produce recognize a broader range of variants. In laboratory experiments, these antibodies were able to fend off the Beta, Delta and Omicron variants. In fact, more than half of the antibodies seen one month after a third dose were able to neutralize Omicron, even though the vaccine was not designed for that variant, the study found.

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Excellent live dunk.

What was his response?

I don’t even remember I think he was just like “yeah whatever mate” and dropped the subject.

“and the Lord is my shepherd”

Wow. Was just with the wife checking in for her annual exam stuff and there was a bro dude (man bun) telling the registration staff about all the people killed by the vaccine. I heard Colin Powell, but after that he was short on specifics. At least he was wearing a mask.

They’re still checking COVID certificates in Italy before entering eateries.

I didn’t realize how bad the outbreak in China got. Wow—60k cases/day. lol zero Covid.

Over/under 1 million cases/day incoming?

Problem is I don’t think you can trust the data from China. Don’t think you’ll ever see that number reported though.

If you just had the ability to know, I’d certainly assume 1m have or will contract it in a day there tho.

Got my lab results for antibody levels back. Currently at 82 ug/ml, where any value >1 indicates antibodies from prior infection or vaccine. I was at 225 ug/ml 3 months after the second shot, and 250 ug/ml after the booster, which was exactly five months ago today. So definitely waned a good bit but still protected hopefully. I’ll be getting a 4th shot next week most likely.

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No idea how people can go to anti-covid protest and hold signs like this without being ashamed.

Like you’re claiming the green pass is fascism while people in Ukraine are literally fighting against that. How weak could you be?

Okay, somebody’s got a bullhorn now.

Lot of olds in the group with a bunch of people around there not listening. Kinda pathetic.

Prague does better protests than Milan

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Victimhood narratives are a powerful drug. Go ask 100 people who is responsible for their failures and you’ll hear maybe 1 person with self reflection and insight and 99 stories about villains.

My barber (approximately 70 years old, German immigrant) was one of the first in line to get the vax but today informed me that the vaccine doesn’t work and that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are the only things that are effective, and that this was revealed in a congressional hearing and the media is covering it up.

So, uh, I guess I’m looking for a new barber.


It’s sad when you see the before and after. Proud to get the vax, then suggest the vax doesn’t work etc. It’s so sad to see the misinformation change people’s perspective so sharply. Made it 70 years before the brainworms got to them. I feel sorry for these people.


I’ve had to cut off a few friends over the past two years. People I considered intelligent and rational just lost all ability to think. One friend I had to cut off has two PhDs, one in the hard sciences and he went full on anti-medical science. So hard to watch. Makes you realize no amount of education is enough to armour you completely.

It’s easier for me to reconcile that sort of stuff if you understand that to the morons, COVID isn’t the actual sickness, it is how they feel about the pandemic. It is their anger at having their lives disrupted, the sadness they felt when they couldn’t go out to Applebees or how it irks them when their mask fogs up their glasses.

The vaccines didn’t make it all go away, ergo they didn’t work.

It was never about saving tens or hundreds of millions of lives for those people; they care only about whether they personally died and whether they can do the one thing in any moment that they most want to do.