COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

We’ve been assured: Those were strictly therapeutic messages, specializing in those with dysfunctional sweat glands.

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The new conspiracy theory is Moderna made COVID. These fucking lunatics man.

If Moderna made COVID, they could have done a better job.

That vast majority of people dying are those that didn’t take the jab. Seems like they got it right.

Survival rate of the unvaxxed is too high.

I’d assume if they invented covid they’d beat BioNTech to the vaccine pretty significantly.

They are trying to find the rate where the rest of the unvaxxed finally take the shot without killing too many customers.

Should have killed off more kids to scare people.

If survival rate of vaxxed is scary low, then everyone is getting vaxxed. They’re really got to thread the needle.

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Well fuck me. Rapid test was positive this morning. My previous one on Tuesday was negative. A light cough started yesterday and got a sore throat over night. The only way I could have caught it is at work since I basically dont have many social interactions beside that. Once the symptoms are gone I probably can(have) to go back to work. Since my tasks nobody else is doing I am not that eager to look for a longer period of time off. First time in five years I am home due to an illness.


I’m listening to the Moderna earnings call, some news about vaccines that shouldn’t surprise anyone here:

  • They expect everyone to need boosters in the fall
  • They expect susceptible populations (old, risk factors) to need regular boosters as it becomes endemic
  • They expect it to be seasonal, so they expect us to need annual fall boosters for winter season
  • They want to increase durability against Omicron to 6+ months for the fall booster, sounds like they’re considering the 100mcg dose instead of 50mcg
  • They also want to broaden protection in case of potential VOCs
  • They’re testing a bivalent booster with the OG vaxx and the Omicron booster, as well as the original
  • Vs. the Beta variant, OG booster protection waned more quickly than a bivalent booster waned, so they’re hoping for the same result against Omicron which would lengthen the period of efficacy for the bivalent booster and improve our protection!

That last part seems like the best news so far. I’ll update if there’s anything else significant on the call.

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Booster uptake this fall is gonna be hilarious in the US. Like o/u 25 percent.

25% is exactly what I projected in my valuation of Moderna’s stock. Basically a big chunk of at-risk people and a small chunk of everyone else. But I make bearish projections for stocks to build in cushion, and 40% wouldn’t shock me (in line with the flu shot).

I mean not to be morbid, but this was part of “the problem” with getting people to take this pandemic seriously, if it were like the Spanish flu with the young and old both bearing the brunt of it, it’d be a whole different story. The idea of little kids dying evokes a visceral reaction in people that just isn’t there when they think of grandma croaking in the nursing home.

Eh, dunno about that.

There was a classroom full of dead first graders in Newtown, CT and we did absolutely fuck-all about gun legislation.


Good point but even for the people that aren’t batshit crazy conspiracy theorists, lots of them were able to do the out of sight out of mind thing, it happened far enough away and was abstract enough. When the kids that are dying are like your niece or the cute little kid next door or whatever, even the absolute worst POS people would freak out.

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Ehh not exactly comparable imo. It would be analogous if guns showed up for the first time in march of 2020 and then Sandy Hook happened. We’re already conditioned to accept gun violence after a couple hundred years, and half the country are 2A nutters already. COVID was a new and novel threat. If we went from a totally gun free society one day to kindergarteners being massacred the next day, we would have had a chance to see actual measures taken to prevent further gun violence.

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Okay, good points.

Ya know, except for when 26 of them get gunned down in a kindergarten classroom. Then we collectively throw up our hands and say “What can ya do?”

Those kids didn’t die, they gave their lives for Freedom, ldo.