COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I did the first two vaccine shots but I have been putting off the booster. I live in the middle of nowhere and my only interaction with people would be at the store when I’m wearing an n95. Are there any studies on 2 shots vs 3 after? I know right away they were saying having booster shot stopped waning. Does having 2 shots just keep waning until it’s the same as being unvaccinated?

You should get a booster. There is more than enough evidence that it is much better than 2 shots.


Especially when considering omicron

Plus it’s free. Who doesn’t like some free science juice.

Can’t see any reason not to get the booster.

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Yeah the only reason I would possibly think of to rationalize waiting longer, would be if you have virtually no contact with people now but you want to time it so your immunity is at its strongest when you finally do start to be around people more? But I feel like that’s FPS.


With restrictions coming down to ~nothing in even the most cautious of places within the next few weeks, I’d definitely get boosted even if the primary reason for it was to prevent or lessen a fairly mild disease (that is, if 2 shots protected me as much from hospitalization or death as 3, but 3 helps against more superficial cases also). Even simple colds suck, and a small measure to reduce the odds of getting it and the severity if you do is worth it.



We talked about this study a few days ago. Let’s see how the ivermectin slappies took it:

Retweeted by Kory, who I used to respect and has gone off the deep end.

You can’t do that lol. It’s dividing two insignificant findings

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Vaccine remains very good


This is my favorite part


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Might be through the first COVID wave in my house. Kids and wife rapid back to testing negative. Unvaxxed under 5 had one day of fatigue and fever then bounced back. Vaxxed older brother tested positive, only symptom is really hives/rash. Older relative positive still but with relatively minor symptoms knock on wood. Me and one other house member no symptoms never positive (knock on wood).

Moderna 3x worked like a champ through inhaling COVID in house for two weeks, hopefully it holds a couple more.

I admittedly didn’t isolate within the house because had already been massively exposed when the tests came back positive. Doing it with two young kids was going to be hellish on my COVID positive wife.

Knock on wood no longer-term effects, but fortunate this first round so far after some admitted sloppiness in precautions that got everyone in the house exposed.


hmm weird I haven’t seen that one.

Good luck.

Thanks. It didn’t seem common from my research either outside of with MISC-C type stuff, but no other symptoms. It isn’t really bothering him much (just some topical OTC anti itch cream once a day), it seems to be improving, and this has happened once before with him with a virus. So maybe something else with his immune system makes him prone to it, but not uber worried about it at this point.

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What does she think she signed up for? Asking you to expose yourself is like Nazi Germany.

Congrats on the husband points. Hope all recover fully and soon.

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yeah the misc-c is usually a few weeks to month or so after infection.

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How about, “if you don’t trust medical professionals enough to get the vaccine, then you shouldn’t be allowed to rely on their care when you get sick with COVID”?

Maybe we could ship them all to “trump’s friend’s island”. They be happy to go. The old Epstein property needs some love.

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Pretty sure it got plenty of love to last it a lifetime