COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I think (not 100% sure and can’t be bothered to check) there is a virus associated with that one so it’s more like HPV (i.e., it’s the virus that spreads and causes the cancer).

Edit: you got me with the ninja edit.

Oh yeah, I’ve heard of this one, too. That shit is wild.

Devil Facial Tumor Disease definitely sounds like something you don’t want to mess around with. Not too many diseases with a more ominous sounding name than that.

I guess in Straya even the cancers are bad ass.

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This seems crazy given how half-assed masking really was worldwide.

I have no doubt masking reduces flu, but would surmise masking wasn’t the biggest factor in eliminating a flu strain or at reducing overall flu over the last two years.

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Man the NYT can go fuck themselves

Of course the CDC isn’t publishing every piece of data they get. Fuck off.

Truly epic sequence from that article:

Despite the cautious preparation, the C.D.C. released the wastewater data a week later than planned. The Covid Data Tracker is updated only on Thursdays, and the day before the original release date, the scientists who manage the tracker realized they needed more time to integrate the data.

“It wasn’t because the data wasn’t ready, it was because the systems and how it physically displayed on the page wasn’t working the way that they wanted it to,” Ms. Nordlund said.

The C.D.C. has received more than $11 billion to modernize its systems, which may help pick up the pace, Ms. Nordlund said. “We’re working on that,” she said.

And the final dashboard looks like ass!

“For the color scheme, let’s go with low-saturation dots on a dark gray background. Oh, except for the N/A locations–make those things pop! And do two legends–people love legends.”

Is covid over now?

in England yeah


No kidding

People who test positive for Covid will no longer have to isolate by law from this Thursday – and from April will not even be advised to stay at home if infected, the prime minister said.

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So we went through years of social distancing and staying home sick and seeing massive drops in infection numbers every time we did, and what did we learn?

Awww fuck it, I guess people can just mingle when sick whenever the fuck they want.

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wtf is this? People should stay home if they’re sick with anything. Jesus Christ.



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When will we be free of this tyranny?


This anti-Taco Bell bias proves that the DEMONRAT GLOBALISTS are the real racists!

The US has never had a legal requirement for pozzed to isolate.