COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

But don’t you understand that the government offering him free vaccination in the face of the biggest global health crisis of his life is TYRANNY!

I don’t feel sorry for him at all.

I do feel sorry for the kid having parents that don’t give a shit about her while she is so unwell though.


I’m kinda done duelling with you guys but wanted to say ‘thanks’ for the balanced reply.

I find the following highly questionable, given many reliances on CI with the multitude of studies I have posted being bashed over the last 2+ years.

We now have anecdotal proof that vaxxed people don’t bother getting tested. There is no other form of covid proof here.

Just 12 days ago, the thread doc wouldn’t have even bothered testing your case if you’d turned up in
his ER - you could have just had a cold given your only symptoms were runny nose and sore throat (when I posted that ~40% of cases didn’t include a fever on the advent of delta, someone banned me within one in of posting, but I’m with you, it could have been covid, but no test doesn’t make ‘you proof’

Never pozzed, no covid symptoms but they defininately gave you and the Mrs covid? Are you sure they ever had covid? We all have magical kids but your’s are either truly astounding in their ability to spread unproven covid (can’t agree with your asymptomatic diagnosis as there was no positive test) or you’re biased towards kids spreading covid.

Our 6yr old kid got covid, tested pozz 8 days straight (as I posted up thread) and we all tested daily. My 4 kid, 6 member (3 vaxxed) family is proof that not everyone catches covid when an unisolated family unit interacts. The 6yr old still sleeps between mum and dad, breathing literally 12" from my face and I didn’t pozz for the 8 days she was contagious enough to light up a LFT. Unlikely your wife pozzed by the girls climbing all over her (kids being kids). I am therefore better proof kids do not spread covid (lol), as are the other 4 of my family.

I’m trying to reason (many words from me!) with your self-diagnosis but something’s not adding up. Maybe someone hijacked your account and the laugh’s on me. More likely your trips here, there and everywhere gave the wife the rona, the kids never had it and you were a symptomatic case but lack of testing will leave us wondering - no lack of testing in my family but yes, my kid most likely got it from school but obviously no household infection as a result. Many familes the opposite of us, with all members slowly pozzing.

In answer to your question, we don’t do daycare and never have done. Wife is a ‘stay at home’ mum = kills the family finances but the family ain’t about money. So, to me, the vaxxs aren’t about relieving the normaities of parenting stress and getting them out the house - we have 4 of them so are used to it by now - but, like I said, everyone’s mileage may vary.

It’s 2022 and testing is widespread. 1 from 4 got it, 2 others neg, 1 didn’t test. 2 negs blamed. Proof. IMO Mum had covid, Dad had covid or a cold, Girls swerved it, as per the tests.


you’ll note that my post doesn’t say that at all, fuck off with this bullshit trolling. You don’t get to criticize my medical practice as some misinformed/trolling keyboard warrior.


Sounds like Wookie’s case of covid, no?

Right, I guess I hadn’t considered that maybe I got it from the sandwich I had for lunch, or my morning coffee. Maybe I got it from the drapes in the house. Maybe it was spontaneous generation of a novel pathogen that tests like covid.

Or maybe I got it from the only people in this household with regular contact with outside people in a community that spreads ~every other respiratory virus with aplomb.

There’s no way to tell, really.

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No, it doesn’t. I test anyone who looks at me funny or requests it in my practice. You can’t be this stupid.

Costco, pickup. takeaways, the other supermarket - wife never chats to mum at the daycare, never answers the door - must have been the kids who never pozzed. Anything is possible but somethings are more probable.

Again, thanks for taking the time to consider my post.

Churchill’s inability to understand probability in specific situations when it’s convenient to troll other posters here is pathological. Really should get checked out dude.

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Wookie had a case of non-confirmed covid without a fever by his own admission? Even you had your first covid test september 2021 - well done btw

Churchill’s inability to understand probability in specific situations when it’s convenient to troll other posters here is pathological. Really should get checked out dude.

Churchill’s inability to understand people without covid spreading covid gives you the right to request I check out my pathology?

Blocking churchill is one of the best decisions you can make if you want to retain your sanity while posting here.

I recommend it.


There are lots of unconfirmed cases of covid that didn’t manifest with fevers, Churchill. No one denied that they exist, only that one such case is astoundingly weak evidence in your article.

Wookie has made a compelling case that his kid had covid, based on other exposure risks and the fact that testing is far from 100% sensitive, especially when you account for how the kid could have been over covid by the time symptoms presented elsewhere in the family.

That is obviously different from someone claiming to have long covid who can’t even prove they had covid. That doesn’t meant the person who possibly has long covid has zero percent chance of ever having covid, just that it reduces the chances of that being true. Stop pretending you don’t understand this. No one thinks you’re that dumb.

Where are you getting this from? He didn’t say anything like this.

Wookie’s compelling case is that the kid/s were grouchy - that wasn’t even reported by the CROWD-FUNDED app. On the other side, tests were negative. Go figure. No peer review though, so I’ll give him that. Almost like he thought it, so it must be. That evidence doesn’t usually hold up in the world’s best covid thread but I’ll let it pass.

Germ theory continues to exist. You can’t use a survey of adults to rule out a symptom in children. You supposedly have children, so you should be able to figure out that little ones don’t exactly come in saying exactly what’s going on.


Lets please not respond any further to Churchill posts while he sits out for a week