About Moderation (old original thread)

Pro tip, Vic: you can’t make everything sound respectful by prefacing it with “respectfully”. You know, a bit like saying “I’m not racist, but” doesn’t make everything that follows less racist.


Sorry, I forgot - am I supposed to take you literally but not seriously, or seriously but not literally?

Respectfully, you suck at sarcasm.

Just because everyone else thinks you are a whiny, perpetually aggrieved dumbass, doesn’t mean I can’t too. Not every thought needs to be original.

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Shame that’s the condition, but it’s not for me to guide when you do your introspection.

One would think that if every single person you interact with is telling you that you are a prick, that might be a good time to start. But you do you.



Quoting the posts here where it’s relevant instead of in the COVID thread

It seems like a fair request to ask people to not reply to someone’s posts when that person can’t respond to the responses.


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I kinda wonder what he’s going to do if COVID ever goes away.

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TBH, it’s probably not going to end if the uninfected can spread it

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Sure did

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Oh look, it’s Victor still adding value to the world.

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I dont understand how this tracks

This is not neccesary. Please refrain

Churchill has been warned and banned countless times. This isn’t a situation of silencing anyone for disagreeing about anything. Its about a constant and blatant disregard for clearly laid out rules.

Fwiw, if I’m around next time he does it (and Im sure he will.) Ill ban him for a month

No, I wasn’t following this shit in the past, and only am now because Ive been tasked to

How come none of you guys wanted to ban ikes when he was shitting up 22? It’s only now you guys can’t tolerate his existence here?

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Is today Friday?


Holy hell, he’s still the GOAT in 2022.

If I’d gotten to the flag first it would have been a month this time.

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