COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

For those who kept their kids home during covid last year, how are they doing in school now? My daughter (12) is doing great academically but is noticeably more anti-social, shy and quiet since going back. She says that she doesn’t have any friends anymore, but from observing her, it’s pretty clear that she is just very socially withdrawn. I went on a field trip and 1/4th of the kids honestly don’t speak at all. I have been trying to encourage her to be more social - any suggestions?


My girls finally get to go back to daycare after more than a week out. I don’t know how you’re caring for your 2yo, but I am absolutely getting my girls vaxxed ASAP, even if there were literally zero risk of them dying or even being hospitalized from covid. I want them vaxxed because the discomfort of keeping them out of daycare for so long is large compared with a bit of myocarditis that both is highly improbable and, while measurable in a clinical setting, is not debilitating or otherwise limiting the the vast majority of those improbable cases. I am proof that young kids can and do spread it to each other and to their households, and vaccinating them will protect them and us from contracting and spreading future cases.


I’ll be first in line to get my infant vaccinated once there is an EUA. There’s a lot more to Covid than death, and I’ll always be a high risk vector to get my child sick.

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Also sneezing, sleeping wrong, and reaching behind you.

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We have a similar case here. Child brought it home from daycare. The father got tested positive. The mother didnt. She came back to work on Friday. On Monday she had symptoms and now tested positive as well. Father is a high risk patient who already has 4 shots but said he felt nothing. He was actually surprised that he is positive. Despite both being vaxxed several times their CT value was pretty low and you always have to find somebody to fill in for their duties at work.

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Canada’s giving out fourth shots already?

I did hurt my shoulder trying to stifle a sneeze.

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I was told they were all with Covid. Are you saying I was lied to?


Best way to stifle a sneeze (from my friend who is a hair stylist and has had to work the entire pandemic): push down on the space between your nose and upper lip. Foolproof way to make people not glare at you thinking you have Covid.

I have hurt my back running in place, throwing an axe, and laying in bed. I accept it is an ever present threat in my life now.

It was like a cartoon skeleton explosion. It felt like all my joints separated and snapped backed into place. I ended up in PT for an impingement.

All the sneeze energy went internal.

I was in the middle of a live poker hand.

The orthopedist assured my I already had the problem and the sneeze just made feel it.

I am not from Canada.

Interesting. I’ll have to tell this to my coworker with ACHOO syndrome (Photic sneeze reflex - Wikipedia). He can’t help but sneeze whenever he steps outside on a sunny day, which was somewhere between a nuisance and a curiosity in the before times, but now he doesn’t want to scare everyone.



I do this. Usually twice. Never three times.

Sounds like you have it, too! And Gesundheit!

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I have this too. Never even occurred to me it might be a syndrome.

But it’s more the sitting on a train or airplane sneezes I really try to avoid.

Simultaneously feel awful for this person (his child is dying) and fucking hate him

I would swim through a pit of needles to be with my dying child. Fuck that guy with every breath of my being


I just got my 4th shot at a pharmacy. Told them it was my third and they just said ok. Only feel a tiny bit bad about it.