COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

this guy rules


Jal posted the video of the UK expert stating the ā€˜basically nothingā€™ re 2x vaccines comment - I remember that. This was near the time I had the same test that Habsfan Nurse commented upthread where my antibody level from 2x vaccines, 5 months after 2nd dose was 132U/ml or at the bottom of the lowest 10% of those measured i.e. ā€˜not a lotā€™, most likely due to waning.

Iā€™ve never said anything different

So you now understand that you were both wrong then and antibody immunity is not the only (or even most important) kind of immunity conferred by the vaccines?

reading comprehension.

The quote is why boosters are a thing?

Sounds like we may get an Omicron specific booster too. Ever wondered why?

Nah, Iā€™m done with their pile on.

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Scanned the thread and didnā€™t see anything posted about this:

Iā€™m sure now that both Pfizer and Modernaā€™s vaccines have standard FDA approval and not EUAs vaccine hesitant people will be making their appointments for shots.


It does open the door to advertising, and I saw a Moderna commercial this weekend that looked like it was aimed at anti-vaxxers. It included the words ā€œdo your research.ā€

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Moderna has a huuuuge advantage in advertising Spikevax over Pfizer trying to pitch Comirnaty. Stolen from Reddit (the dosages are probably wrong, still funny):


Heā€™s your kid, so Iā€™m sure you canā€™t help but worry, but assuming heā€™s vaxxed, as long as he has access to food and water, heā€™ll be fine. Maybe some advil, nyquil, cough syrup, or whatever for symptoms.




nonpaywalled source


Can I make it to Julyā€¦


Hey, itā€™s infrastructure / I mean Covid shots for kids under 5 week again.

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Pretty incredible that the Captains are still pretending that germ theory is something that covid has defied and that their detractors are wrong about


Iā€™m like barely following this whole thing, but just so Iā€™m clear is JT a Captain?


Also pretty incredible that almost a year after vaccinations we had a peak of almost 3 times as many cases as we did in the prior peak a year ago. Itā€™s almost as if covid still does transmit efficiently.

Itā€™s like TEH magic.

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Wookie is right in that post.

Itā€™s sure strange how all the people who work in biotech, have advanced scientific degrees, work in medicine and etc tend to fall into one group.

Ok boss.

Somehow it has more vaccine escape than BA.1, but is less transmissible amongst the vaccinated once they catch it.

Well, either way, looks like a year of masking for me.

Assuming BA.1 and BA.2 donā€™t confer immunity to each other and infection protects against reinfection for about 6 months, weā€™re just going to see rolling waves of each, right?

At least until we get Omicron-specific boosters.

These are both extremely unlikely premises.