COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

You got an outsized laugh from me.

Hey a lot of those 1918 deaths were with flu. Bacterial pneumonia… c’mon.

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Obviously anecdotal evidence, but BA.2 got. my single-vaxxed son (Most likely at school), my double-vaxxed daughter, my wife and me (Both triple vaxxed - rest of the family got it at home from my son). I am the only member of the family who had confirmation for the BA.2 variant as they only check for variants if your PCR indicates a high viral load.

My wife and I were sick for a few days, for the kids it was more like a few hours.


Definitely an interesting anecdote. Thanks for sharing your family’s experience. Were the wife’s and your symtoms mild or were you fatigued / bedridden for the few days?

From anecdotes and reports I’m reading, it’s definately looking like BA.2 is cutting through vaccine infection protection like a knife through butter.

We currently have covid in our house - our 6yr old girl (ineligible for vax) has been testing positive (asymptomatic) the last 8 days. Must be BA.1 cause the other 5 of us, not isolating from the 6yr old in anyway have been daily testing and no other pozzs, yet - (12yr gal double-vaxxed, me and wife triple and the other 2 kids (2 & 10yrs) not eligible so no vaxx). Sure we hear of the odd case of wife getting it but vaxxed hubby not but you’d think and unvaxxed kid or two would contract it from a pozzed sibling.

BA.2 is growing in dominance here (~10% currently) and hearing more and report anecdotal reports of whole families going down with it when a kid brings covid home (not sequenced to know whether this is BA.1 or BA.2). Initially, we all jested / thought we’d all get Omicron when it was first heard of in December - I guess the advent of BA.2 is gonna make that almost a certainty. No anti-vaxxer is going to escape this version and it would appear the vaxxed or those with ‘natural immunity’ are gonna be lucky to escape it too.


This is quite an overstatement based on what we know right now.


It’s an expression? Depends how cold / frozen the butter is.

I suspect GermanGuy’s 100% vaxxed attack rate won’t be the only example. It certainly appears that Minalnd Europe is ahead of both the UK and US with BA.2

Most of my other ‘overstatements’ and have been proven correct, over time - indeed one was just ‘in the nick of time’.

It seems a bit hyperbolic from the available evidence, at least in terms of change from BA.1. The increased household attack rate seems like a thing with BA.2, but not like a complete step change and the evidence on the ability to better infect the boosted than BA.1 seemed mixed (thought the UK report didnt find a higher immune evasion capability). BA.2 doesnt seem like good news though, thats for sure.

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What is your prediction for vaccine effectiveness of 2 and 3 shots vs. unvaxxed for BA.2 when measured?

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With or without ivermectin?

Why arent we referring to this as “son of Omicron”?


2 shots - 13% after 25+ weeks

3 shots - 70% from two weeks following booster, falling away after ten weeks

Waning though - how long will you / we be past booster when Son of Omicron comes home to roost?

What’s your prediction? Do you think the vaxxed will get infected / transmit BA.2 at an appreciable rate?

Correct but with low confidence as they haven’t tested live samples currently. That Danish report suggested otherwise.

Guardian live on the report, some hours ago…

  • A study in Denmark suggested that the BA.2 subvariant of the Omicron coronavirus variant is more transmissible than the more common BA.1 and more able to infect vaccinated people

So the same as OG Omicron then?

Think OG was nearer 90/95% reported, though that is looking suspect given the number of vaxxed catching OG Omicron - I guess that’s cause most countries are well past the 10 week after booster period (see Israel etc.)

You’ve boldly predicted that nearly every single variant would totally evade vaccine protection. Let’s pump the brakes on making bold declarations before the data are in.


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Dude, you’ve been telling us how the vaccines were worthless and every variant was going to kill us all since Alpha. You were alone in that until message board tribalism took over and you got a metoo chorus.

Or at least until it became clear that Emperor B. Germ Theory had no clothes.



Cite or Ban IMO.

Nice framing though.

Actually, you’re right. It was Jalfrezi that posted and died on the hill that two shots of the vaccine had been reduced to “basically nothing,” not you. I apologize for getting the two of you confused on that one, although I’m pretty sure you posted to agree with him. Are you now indicating that you agree Jalfrezi was wrong, and that even two doses of most of the vaccines available worldwide produce significant t-cell immunity which prevents severe illness and death?