I don’t dispute that one bit. You have made it quite obvious that you are aware of the phenomenon of people misrepresenting statistics or information to suit their end game by sharing their content with us.
This guy you have referred to endearingly as Dr. John, who by the way, is not a medical doctor, has: promoted the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19, suggested that a finding that mRNA vaccines cause heart problems could be “incredibly significant” and left the video up even after anti-vaxxers started using it to push their agenda, and he has said that deaths caused by COVID “may be way lower than anyone had thought.”
Smear transmission may be a thing with Omicron, but in the context of my post I was referring to 2020 and basically the combination of not having to worry about smear and having N95’s be extremely effective would combine to make it pretty easy to take personal precautions by the 2020 standards of Unstuck.
First of all, I was one of the first people on this forum to criticize the CDC over pandemic response, and I took some heat for it, but was proven correct.
Second, this isn’t exactly the rah-rah GO USA GO WE’RE THE BEST forum. I don’t think most of us here are racing to defend the US on any accusation, usually we’re trashing our healthcare system, political system, corporations, etc.
Again you are taking data and making a misleading statement using it. That is only accounting for the people who survived prior infection, which when added back in would make the unvaccinated WAY more likely to be hospitalized/die than the vaccinated. Your statement is really just saying that if you dodge the first bullet, you’re in good position for the second.
Yes, they are lower than I believed too but I also understand a lot of people have underlyers.
I find him fairly balanced, mind you I’ve watched more than 3 of his 1,962 vids.
Anyway, this ain’t about the Dr. It’s about the ONS stats that some peeps are not liking the look of.
I know - just didn’t know if people outside the UK knew a FOI must be answered - and the actual question must be answered, not a version of the question that they wish to give a reply to.
Who was the politician in the presidential debates who coined the “I’m not saying your racist, but racist people think you’re racist” line? I’m butchering the quote so I couldn’t google it, but I swear it was one of the 2016 or 2020 presidential candidates and it was a really good burn at the time.
You are misinterpreting what CW meant. He meant third strike against the faux doctor. It would be really nice if you didn’t try to needle CW every chance you see.
Yeah, this is a really critical point that bears repeating. All these “comparisons” ignore all the people who didn’t survive that initial Covid infection which… is kind of a big thing to ignore.
Yeah, me too but the diabetes would be on his / her NHS record so it would make it on to a death certificate - so they wouldn’t make the purely covid list, as the somewhat leading FOI question asked, as they had an underlyer, whether they were 15yrs old or 75yrs old.
Correct. Which is the agenda of the request is obvious and of amplifying it as Dr. Campbell is doing is somewhat obvious (could just be using it for clickbait).
His original title for his Japan video was “Miracle in Japan” so I dont think hes above it, but the clickbait alternative is that dollars to donuts the good doctor is gonna be blasting any mitigation strategies as we move forward.
Im not gonna beat this to death, so I’ll just leave it at I think he’s just reporting studies like our current Supreme Court is just calling balls and strikes.
FWIW the video reported on an invermectin miracle in Japan that kinda never happened and he later changed the video title.