COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

This applies to almost all of the problems in America. No wonder we’re all so pissed off!

No kink shaming here please!


Up to 300,000 more Americans could die by mid-March, academic models say

In the US, pandemic modellers are predicting a wave of Omicron deaths in the coming weeks.

AP reports:

The fast-moving omicron variant may cause less severe disease on average, but Covid-linked deaths in the U.S. are climbing and modellers forecast 50,000 to 300,000 more Americans could die by the time the wave subsides in mid-March.

The seven-day rolling average for daily new COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. has been trending upward since mid-November, reaching nearly 1,700 on 17 January — still below the peak of 3,300 in January 2021. Covid-19 deaths among nursing home residents started rising slightly two weeks ago, although still at a rate 10 times less than last year before most residents were vaccinated.

If the higher end of projections comes to pass, that would push total US deaths from Covid-19 over 1 million by early spring.

Despite signs omicron causes milder disease on average, the unprecedented level of infection spreading through the country, with cases still soaring in many states, means many vulnerable people will become severely ill.

“A lot of people are still going to die because of how transmissible omicron has been,” University of South Florida epidemiologist Jason Salemi told AP. “It unfortunately is going to get worse before it gets better.”

Morgues are starting to run out of space in Johnson County, Kansas, said Dr Sanmi Areola , director of the health department. More than 30 residents have died in the county this year, the vast majority of them unvaccinated.

Sorry everyone else in my apartment building, hopefully they figure out the workaround.

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I mean, today was the “beta test” day. I’d bet this is a bug that gets fixed soon. It’s probably not intentional.

I told u guys! This is important!

please remember to format your apartment correctly when you enter in your address.

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I usually do it all on one line but USPS specifically gets pissy about it sometimes so I used the separate Apt box, mea culpa.

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But Americans shouldn’t expect a rapid turnaround on orders and will have to plan ahead and request tests well before they meet federal guidelines for when to use one.

The White House said “tests will typically ship within seven-12 days of ordering” through USPS, which reports shipping times of one to three days for its first-class package service in the continental US.

Lol I wonder if I was first from my apartment building. Probably. It worked fine with our apartment number in the apartment number box.

Wonder if we could order a second set by putting the apartment number on the address line…

tar and feathers man

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:



What’s the normalcy quotient in Japan? Bars and restaurants full? People working in person pretty much?

So that 270,000 dumbfucks to 30,000 unfortunates? At worst?

Now if they were all in purple states.

Other than the sudden spike and all masks all the time, it’s almost 100% back to normal has been for months. Restuarants, bars, and cafes are packed.

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I’m not exactly amazed by some of your guys’ descriptions of mask usage in your area, but I do feel lucky. In my neighborhood if I go to a large grocery store mask compliance would be like 95% and of those mask wearers there’s be like 1/3 surgical, 1/3 N/KN95, 1/3 cloth or some bullshit like a bandana. Of course right next door in a restaurant people are chowing down all over completely maskless indoors. I haven’t eaten inside a restaurant since March 2020.

I noticed the sumo arena seems to be back to near full capacity.

Think it’s still capped at half capacity.

Most new cases in a single day today in the Czech Republic. A number that will certainly be broken multiple times in the next couple of weeks.

What would/could it take for you to go back? I don’t know anyone irl as cautious as some folks here.

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