COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually



So, who gets to be PM if Boris Johnson is on a vent?

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Consistent with the ‘everyone gets bad fever + symptoms for 7 days’, ‘feel better for 1 - 1.5 days’, then either ‘clear, you’re healing’ or ‘elephant is sitting on my chest, where’s the vent?’ - this seems consistent for age groups 30 - 70yr. Think 1 in 7 cases feel the elephant.

50:50 for Boris now if above is correct

GL Boris

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Actual technique that’s supposed to save lives is… below the paywall.

As George Carlin would say

You can prick your finger, but don’t finger your prick.

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So your premise is actually that the right thing to do here, as the only guests in the resort, is to allow the entire resort staff to continue to cater to you and wait on you hand and foot?

Cmon, man. No way that’s the polite, moral, respectful thing to do. There’s a right way to go about it, but treating the staff like valuable human beings who’s time matters is attainable.

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Think 50/50 is for being on a ventilator, admitted to the hospital it’s more like 5-10% chance of death.

The answer to this (Raab) is why I’m not happy at the news. Well, that and the fact that being happy at such things is awful and tacky and inappropriate. But, more than that, I wouldn’t wish ill on anyone, anyway. I hope for the best for him as for all. I do. Why are you smiling?

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MA seems to be doing much better over the last few days. Unless they’re missing a bunch of CV-19 deaths that they were catching earlier.

Not sure what bolded is supposed to mean.

I was just asking because as a USA#1ian, I don’t follow UK politics, and I don’t have the succession rules down pat like I do for USA #1. I’m not sure I’ve ever even heard of Raab.

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LOL (heartless)

PM Johnson expected to stay overnight

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to remain in hospital overnight for what has been described by Downing Street as “routine tests”.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is expected to chair the government’s next coronavirus meeting.

Mr Johnson has worked from home since it was announced that he had tested positive for coronavirus on 27 March.

He chaired a coronavirus meeting via video-link on Friday morning.

He was last seen in public applauding the NHS and other key workers from his flat in Downing Street on Thursday.

Same :+1:

As much as I despise these folks I never have wished death on them, alough I did call for his resignation when he fell ill and still think he should resign or be removed immediately.

Rabb as well as he has symptoms too?

I think you overestimate how many people will notice, how many will connect the dots, and how many of those will have an interest in significantly changing their behavior after this.

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I’ve waited tables quite a bit. One thing that was a near perfect predictor of a very shitty tip was someone who was excessively nice and effusive in her (usually a lady doing this) thank yous. Whereas gruff assholes often tipped quite well. I know which customers I preferred.

But man, I’ll take the excessively nice shitty tipper over the guy who wants to go back in the kitchen and wash dishes with me. You’re not helping. That does not help me. Just enjoy your cocktail and sign the tip sheet ffs.

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Try this:

Sorry, didn’t really mean most of that as a reply to yourself. It was an attempt to be generally amusing.

Dr. Fauci: “Unless we get this globally under control, there is a very good chance that it will assume a seasonal nature in the sense that if - and I hope it’s not only if but when - we get it down to a point where it is really at a low level, we need to be prepared. Since it will be unlikely to be completely eradicated from the planet , as we get into next season, we may see the beginning of a resurgence . And that’s why we’re pushing so hard to get our preparedness much better than it was but, importantly, pushing on a vaccine and doing clinical trials for therapeutic interventions so that hopefully, if in fact we do see that resurgence, we will have interventions that we did not have in the beginning of the situation that we’re in right now”

I think some people will determine that you can’t wear your mask and go to a restaurant though. Or to the movies, unless you want to skip the popcorn. People may slowly go back to what they used to do. But I don’t see them doing it more than they used to do. In other words, if they went to the movies once a week, they may do that, but they won’t start going twice a week. So the economy will not come roaring back.

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Boris Johnson : I want to be prime minister, like Churchill!
