COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Actually no, it’s a classic British weather problem that also afflicts terminally optimistic campers here.

Huh? You think driving an RV through Utah would be terrifying? You’re the guy who drove through Nicaragua, right?

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Keeed binging on Mrs. Marple or w/e somehow fits.

In a 4WD tank that glides over the road. I would never want to do that trip in a big overlander vehicle. I’d be white-knucking it from one parking spot to the next. Totally different trip than I want to do. A converted sprint van or something would be tolerable but still not as fun and no off-road opportunities.

…hence my reference to baby-eaters.

Driving in Utah is pretty wild. The speed limit is like 80 mph is some places.

The Burr trail - I can’t imagine this in an RV (might not be allowed but I think I saw one doing it).


Last time I went through Utah it was in the back of a pick-up truck.

So it got 12pm on the Saturday, bars closed nights over… And we are heading home, on the Caravan site.

Short trip but it’s pitch black, no lights except for some dimly lit caravans… Off we go, everyone goes there separate ways as they leave the bar, we gather in a family group as 1 does.

Navagating the slim paths as we go, holding on to each other as we’re pretty pissed… Out breaks a song from a Caravan and Jimmy(My uncle starts too :flushed:) for get what he was singing but when it went silent we all knew what had heppened.

Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy we art thou…

Groans came, we search the grounds around us and found him, with 1 arm reaching out the old bomb shelter that he fell down with it crasping to the bag, telling us not to worry as he’s saved the carry out.

My Uncle Jimmy, was and still is a saviour of our nights.

God bless Jimmy :nerd_face:

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Well, obviously not. But you could tow a Suzuki Samurai or put a couple dirt bikes on one of those racks.

Washington a real outlier here. Have Washington / WH factored in the folks in old people homes yet?

Still getting from place to place would be a nightmare. That’s part of the fun for me as it is.

And it’s just me. If all I ever do is sleep in my car I’d have very little human contact. Cheap hostels, air bnbs, and camping out is a nice mix for me.

I wouldn’t get an RV and it wouldn’t be my first choice either. I wouldn’t mind driving it, but yeah, you lose a lot of freedom and can’t park anywhere. I think it’d be fun for a trip though.

Nevada is like 3 times the size of Ireland. You might be able to literally carve out a section of Nevada as large as all of Ireland that has zero people in it - permanent residents anyway.

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There are SUV campers out there.

Some large areas are restricted, but there are people on BLM land who mostly have to move every 14 days. (see my last edit)

The Brits already tried that in actual Ireland.


My man Harold Baldr is stuck in Sri Lanka

The locals found his videos online on YouTube and drove to find and help him out with supplies… :sweat_smile:

Edit: situation in Sri Lanka is 1 day out a week.


Yeah like $60k for a decent defender and way up for the crazy ones.