COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I hope stores expand and improve curbside pick up. I would use that before using a delivery service.

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We just imprison children and fire whistleblowers. Well until Barr figures out how to charge them, not like he hasnā€™t been trying.

The charts still look like 20-40k is about right afaict.

This is how ā€˜Ocadoā€™ do it in the UK


Yes, I saw that on TV a while ago and was also going to post it here.

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I feel like this is way better context for people reading who arenā€™t familiar with himā€¦

yes sorry i did end up getting the rona. i tested negative at first and then on that tuesday i felt fine

then the next weekend felt horrible, went back positive test.

cough gone but still recovering. this thing sucks.

i made a ton of NFL draft projections from my death bed tho and then i bet a bunch

hereā€™s what i got, what do you think? A lot of this is dependent on San Diego trading up to 3 to take Tua

ā€¦followed by 30 plays with o/u and moneyline lol. Heā€™s like a Terminator that was programmed to kill John Connor but only if John Connor was the name of a sportsbook.


More stats from New York. Hope we continue to do high rate of testing even as number of hospitalization falls so we can learn more about infection prevalence.

Day Date Daily Tests New Cases Total Cases Positive Rate
Tuesday 3/31/2020 15,701 7,917 83,712 50.4%
Wednesday 4/1/2020 18,031 8,669 92,381 48.1%
Thursday 4/2/2020 21,555 10,482 102,863 48.6%
Friday 4/3/2020 23,101 10,841 113,704 46.9%
Saturday 4/4/2020 18,659 8,327 122,031 44.6%
Sunday 4/5/2020 18,531 8,658 130,689 46.7%
Monday 4/6/2020 19,247 8,174 138,863 42.5%
Tuesday 4/7/2020 25,095 10,453 149,316 41.7%
Wednesday 4/8/2020 26,396 10,621 159,937 40.2%

is he the inspiration for uncut gems?

American crimes donā€™t excuse Chinese crimes any more than Chinese crimes excise American ones.

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what do all these people testing negative have? are they just hypochondriacs? the flu? a cold?

20k-40k sure. I am going off their projection from yesterday saying 20,300 with an upper limit of 22k. It still shows this now. COVID-19

Maybe I am misunderstanding what they projecting here? It makes me have doubt in the new 60k number they show for the US. If they have what seems like a nonsensical under projection for Italy what does it mean for the rest of their projections?

Scares the shit out of me for UK projection (55k - 66k deaths). Hoping that one isnā€™t another under-projection.

I am isolating. In my household of 3 Iā€™m the only one going out ā€“ other than for walks or strictly on our own property ā€“ and Iā€™m only going about once every 3rd week for groceries. I wear a freshly washed ā€œuniformā€ of sweatpants and a light jacket. I wear my RZ mask properly fitted. I stay away from other shoppers except for the no clue morons and do my best to stay away from them too. I have a very strict decon procedure when I get home for my body, my clothing, my mask, and my groceries.

I am way less of a problem than people getting takeout food every day and sending some poor or young or crazy folks to make pick ups for them a couple of times a week.


Current prediction is that the US is going to end up with 80k - 120k confirmed covid deaths and trump is going to be hailed as a hero and easily cruise to re-election in november. Meanwhile, early next year weā€™re going to learn that four to five million americans died this year, up from the normal 2.5 - 3 million deaths per year. No large news organization is going to acknowledge the implication though.


No but he does tip the cap:

2H goes under given the 1H goes under: 52.53%
2H goes over given the 1H goes over: 47.02%

btw how sick was Howard Ratner

parlaying who wins the tip off. Sports gambling legend

Also I walk my dog a couple times per day, and it seems like traffic in my area is up to 60%-80% of non-rush hour pre-covid levels. Weā€™re still at around 0.7 per 1,000 people confirmed and slowly rising, so Iā€™d expect a lot more pain is coming.

I donā€™t think we can assume the economic meltdown will be a non-factor. At the end of the day, I donā€™t think Trump loses much support regardless of what he does or how bad it gets. Its all about getting Dā€™s to vote.

You think the New York Times or the Washington Post or MSNBC will not mention that there were two million excess deaths in 2020? Seems like that might be a story their audience is interested inā€¦

Going to see excess deaths and then the conclusion that the steps taken to stop the virus wasnā€™t worth it.