COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Eh, trying to predict an exponentially growing thing with the data we have is tough. I wouldn’t be too hard on someone whose prediction is only off by 20k.

Oh, they’ll mention it for sure. But it will be like, “trump claims excess deaths due to economic sabotage from democrats”. Because that’s the kinda headlines they run.

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I see no difference between me in the store for an hour versus some other body in the store for the same hour doing the exact same thing but less carefully. Unless you think these people are super shoppers of some sort, the density remains the same. And meanwhile I’ve been quarantined for weeks between trips and I’m masked up and careful so the chances I’m an asymptomatic carrier are pretty low.

Try something healthy. Eat some vegetables. I’m not into gourmet shit or anything close to it, but my neighbor who is seriously into food brought me dinner last week. I never in my life thought I’d say these words, but the cucumber salad was excellent.


Good thing the nominee isn’t some mentally declining guy with a sexual assault allegation against him.

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Supermarket Sweep was the most ahead of its time of things that were ahead of their time.


Ha. Its no fun if its not a challenge.

Denmark score against Finland (sort of)

Denmark didn’t let the postponement of this summer’s European Championship stop them from scoring in their opening match against Finland.

With the tournament moved to June 2021, a few of Denmark’s national team footballers decided to pretend they were playing in the match from the safety of their own homes…


If you could control who is in the store and have only the same people in there and then have some sort of contactless pick up you could eliminate a lot of exposure. The way the stores are now I don’t think delivery or going to the store yourself is going to make much difference.

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It reduces the total number of different people out there.

And the average person roams a store looking for stuff they might want to buy as opposed to following a specific list only.

I dong know if it makes it better, but it is not making it worse either.

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Cost of Navy secretary’s trip to Guam? $243,000
Cost of sticking it to teh libs? Priceless

Cost of cutting WHO funding? 16k American lives and counting
Cost of sticking it to teh libs? Priceless

The model of transmission per person trip takes absolutely no account of whether you are being more or less careful than average. It’s not a simple problem.

The model has deaths in NY going to zero in late April. It has deaths for the US as a whole going to zero by mid-May. It is obviously completely flawed and the fact we have politicians and the media using it as gospel fact and a rational data point to make decisions off of is really not good.


Yeah maybe the model doesn’t, but reality does.

For the more informed amongst us, does the presence of such vastly different symptoms speak to possible mutations in the virus?

speaks more to ‘viral load’ IMO and how cable the lungs are of shaking the virus

e.g. we see a lot of health care workers without underlying conditions dying and they may work on many different infected patients

But I’d wait for what for the more informed amongst us think


You’re probably also right that delivery is at capacity and as far as the world at large is concerned your choice doesn’t change anything.

Though I guess more people might be enticed into the business.

Speaks to different hosts being different imo.

They need a delivery service for flat products without brand preference.

paper towel
toilet paper
dish soap
hand soap
peanut butter
chicken breast
pork loin


just basic products where u dont pick the brand and maybe you don’t even pick what you want - they just bring you a flat selection like a SURPRISE.

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They definitely need to start selling the “out of stock” items curbside cause sooo many people are wandering around stores without actually buying anything cause they are looking for TP.