COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yeah that is my thinking. Just wanted to confirm it with people much more intelligent than me.

Thank you for the reply.

I am wondering how irresponsible it would be to get takeout/drive thru from Chipotle or Taco Bell, respectively. Because holy fuck, I am so damn tired of eating frozen pizza and turkey sandwiches. I feel like ordering grocery store delivery isnā€™t necessarily better in terms of reducing spread (because the instacart lady has to do the shopping herself just like I would) than going outside for 10 minutes and doing it myself, but that could just be my justification for going out to eat my favorite foods.

Iā€™m only 33, but Iā€™m also significantly overweight and I smoke, and I have poor lung capacity according to tests I took decades ago. On the other hand, Taco Bell is my goddamn favorite restaurant in the world and I miss it like a fiend. I have no mask fwiw.

I was able to stop smoking cigarettes because I was continually getting the psycho-somatic tightening of the chest starting about 3 weeks ago and was too worried to smoke, and that lasted for long enough that I accidentally quit. I was a relatively light smoker of about a pack a day, and I havenā€™t had a single one throughout those 3 weeks. Still burn trees though.

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You really need to stop eating trash, COVID aside.

I have been getting takeout every few days. I donā€™t think itā€™s a huge risk but thatā€™s just me.

Also, make a mask. Itā€™s not hard.

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Was going to go to the grocery store but nopped out of there when I saw the giant line. Some kind of scheduling system is needed.

ā€œTrashā€ is the only food Iā€™ve ever liked. I admit that my diet is very Trumpian. I hate vegetables with a passion.

Itā€™s impossible for me to make a mask. I said this a week ago and people posted videos of DIY masks. Iā€™m like, thatā€™s great and all, but I donā€™t have the necessary materials.

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Do you own any tshirts?

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Yes. Now how do you reckon I get said t-shirt to stick to my face?

You say you smoke, and then you go on to say that you have not had a cigarette in three weeks. I have good news for you buddy. You are a non-smoker. If youā€™ve gone three weeks without a cigarette, you are done! You just have to accept it now, and you will never smoke another cigarette again. This is a great victory. But you must accept it. And sometimes thatā€™s hard, because smoking is fun, and thereā€™s a kind of badboy type feeling you get from it. But thatā€™s done now. Your health will be so much better. You may gain weight in the short term, but you can work on that later. For now, celebrate this great victory and proudly proclaim that you are a non-smoker!!


I have serious cravings still and I smoke weed ~every day of my life, so I (genuinely, not rhetorically) donā€™t know if I can say Iā€™m not a smoker, but I appreciate the kind words!

You lost already bro. Trump announced the vaccine of drinking aquarium cleaner ages ago.


It seems pretty clear to me that 6.6 million is just the maximum number of unemployment claims the states are able to process in a week, given all the stories of people who cannot get through to unemployment to file a claim. The true total is almost certainly significantly higher.


You may continue to get cravings for a while. But reject them because you are a ā€œnon-smokerā€. So its absurd now to entertain thoughts of smoking. The truth is that if you were to get a blood test now, you would register negative for nicotine. So the physical craving is done and what is left is the psychological. And you can defeat the psychological if you accept yourself as a ā€œnon-smokerā€.

This is what happened to me about 12 years ago. I had tried repeatedly to quit and never succeeded. But then I had to switch health insurance and I wanted the non-smoker rate, so I quit. I took a blood test after four days and it was negative. And somehow I made that flip in identityā€¦and I went from a smoker who hasnā€™t smoked in four days, to a non-smoker. When I accepted that, I went on to defeat smoking. And yeah, this just applies to cigarettes. I smoke weed sometimes too. But cigs are a huge health danger and quitting them is a huge positive in so many ways. Nobody will complain about you being stinky after smoking. Your clothes will smell better. This will be much better for you socially. I canā€™t stress enough though how important it is to make that flip in identity and be proud that you are a non-smoker.

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Not true. Alcoholics, for example, arenā€™t out of the woods when their BAC is 0.0% ā€“ far from it. Physical dependence on drugs has to do with the down-regulation of various receptors for that drug in cells throughout the body. The levels of those receptors can take weeks to reach a new steady state.

And hereā€™s the quicky t-shirt method.

The FDA will act decisively to bring treatments to market, and if they drag their feet, Trumpā€™s crack team will be monitoring the situation closely and will deftly pressure the agency into the quick response the public demands.

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Appreciate it chippa, honestly. Iā€™ll try my best.

re: masks, I donā€™t have paper towels, but I assume people arenā€™t hoarding them like TP so Iā€™ll make the effort to get some within the next week. I feel like Iā€™d still fail to complete all 6 steps, tbh. Itā€™s impossible to overstate how pathetic I am at arts-and-crafts stuff. I canā€™t wrap a present, no matter how many times I see clear and direct instructions on the internet.

Nobody told me Iā€™m being irresponsible for ordering take-out or drive-thru, so Iā€™m going to indulge myself one time.

If youā€™ve ever seen a non-smoker trying a cigarette, youā€™ll see them getting woozy with a not very pleasant buzz from the nicotine. If he tries smoking a cigarette now, he will get the same reaction. So as a practical matter, he is as much a non-smoker as any other non-smoker. If he accepts that, heā€™s done with smoking.

If you have two rubber bands, you can get a t-shirt mask to stay on your face.

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You probably said similar things about your inability to quit smoking, and look at you now! Dont be so hard on yourself. You ARE capable of doing this. Even if youā€™re not crafty, wrapping a scarf over your mouth and nose takes ~0 skill.

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