COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Pretty sure Australia and South Korea should be #1 and #2 on the list, but I like the idea

But for some reason we have to tolerate fuck muffin posting in this forum.

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Well, it’s all relative.

Can’t be surprised at that.

I just wanted to learn about poker boom 2.0 and improve my winrate. Amongst the 87 posts per day at least 5 are poker related. I thought it had a chance.

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Nah, it was pretty obvious what the intentions were with that. I read the OP before it was deleted. Did you take a screen shot?

If I were going to do something like that, I would use a screen name that is not linked to one on this board and I wouldn’t make it a blatant reference to something Mason posted.

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I posted the first few posts upthread.

This is a very weird article. How could something sweep through California only and not one person take it to NYC where it would go nuts? It would have to be the mild strain or something? However it would explain that weird 3-4 week nasty dry cough everyone got.

Also apparently anyone can get antibody tested if you want through ARC point labs in Monterey.

I’m going to call them tomorrow to see if I can get tested. There’s one in West LA. Somehow I seriously doubt they’re testing anyone who walks in off the street. But we’ll see.


Looks like the virus is going to clean out all the nursing homes, unless they had strict protocols in place early on. My MIL’s home now has 7 dead (3 confirmed, 4 presumed), 16 positive residents, 12 positive staff, and I think another 40 pending test results.

Thanks Trump awval.


Trump cutting WHO funding

Without bothering to look because it is obvious nonsense is that news station Sinclair or a Fox affiliate?


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Probably for the best. You don’t went them fully compromised like the CDC.

Who is still neutral on masks and I’m 99% sure it’s because of the mask shortage, not because masks don’t work for source control. They seem to be lock-step with the CDC on a lot of stuff that even this thread knew was bogus.

No it’s SFGate - the crappier SF newspaper. Might be all online now.

Weird how it comes up station 8 though. Maybe SF Gate is just a BS aggregator now. I’m sure bobman’s vulture capitalist BFFs are sucking the blood out of it as speak.

Ok maybe? this is legit.

WOBURN (CBS) – Starting Wednesday, ARCPoint Labs in Woburn will begin antibody testing, a way to figure out who unknowingly had the coronavirus and has recovered.

“It can give you some indication of whether you’ve had previous exposure to COVID-19 and whether you have some level of immunity,” said Matthew Pappas, president of ArcPoint Labs.

On Tuesday morning, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said that widespread antibody testing will be key to restarting life.

“It’s going to come down to testing. You’re going to have to know who had the virus, who resolved the virus, who never had it,” he said.

The test is a quick fingerstick and looks for the presence of two antibodies.

A test looking for antibodies to COVID-19 requires a fingerstick. (Photo credit: ARCPoint Labs)

“If the results are negative, that’s going to tend to indicate that you want to continue isolation, social distancing,” said Pappas. “If the result is positive, that might be an indication of past exposure and some level of immunity which might be important if you’re essential personnel.”

Pappas said anyone can make an appointment without a doctor referral, but the test costs about $60.

“The first appointment is tomorrow, and we’re booked this week and next,” said Pappas.

The FDA says it doesn’t object to the distribution of antibody tests, but it said the tests aren’t reviewed by the FDA and should not be the sole basis to diagnose or exclude coronavirus infection. Still, Pappas believes the tests will play a big role in how we move past this pandemic…

This is written by some sort of MAGA tard. She starts off by talking about Stanford Medicine but looky here who shows up to be quoted for the rest of the story like they’re some kind of expert:

“Something is going on that we haven’t quite found out yet,” said Victor Davis Hanson a senior fellow with Stanford’s Hoover Institute.

LOOOOOOLLLL. Serious Iraq War flashbacks.

The piece closes with this blatant wishcasting:

Positive results in recovered folks could get nurses and caregivers back on the front lines of the pandemic as well as dishwashers and small business owners who keep our economy going.

The results of the study could also help us all to feel less scared of COVID-19. Limited testing has resulted in an artificially high death rate. The more people we can test who have mild symptoms, who are asymptomatic or who have recovered the less-lethal COVID-19 will seem.

Is it 50/50 or better. Might seems quite bad lol.

I agree it’s weird. SF Gate used to be a legit paper but I guess it’s a conduit for local news stations now or something. Weird.

I’m still going to try the antibody test if I can get one for $60. Just out of curiosity.

ARCPoint labs does seem to be at least a legit national company.

It’s so weird how every single story about them offering antibody tests is from a local news station. Some are Sinclair but the Boston one I posted - WBZ - is not. WBZ-TV - Wikipedia

I would gladly welcome your superior research skillz on this (I kid, but it’s only because I know you are a legit research god).

My brother that tested positive emailed me this. So crazy how this virus is different for so many people.