COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I posted a comment immediately after your second comment and it was already deleted.

LFS, here is the author of the study with a video. Would not have guessed that running side by side is safer, but that makes sense.

Today I actually ordered a very lightweight balaclava-type garment to wear while running, mostly just to be modeling good behavior. I highly doubt it’ll provide any protection, but I also doubt I really need it. If more people start running that early, I’ll go earlier.

Interesting. What material is it made out of? Interested to hear how it wears during a run.

We are walking the dogs wo face covering. Everyone we see on sparsely occupied streets gives wide distsnce to each other.

I wore my mask in front of the chiahuahua she looked at my and then lunged and threatened to tear my face off. Took the mask off and she licked me.

Safer to not Wear the mask around her. We describe her as 7 lbs of pure Philly attitude.


So Florida and Louisiana numbers are full of shit? Or are we seeing something positive with heat and humidity?


It’s made of polyester, I assume it’s tech-like material. There are a ton on Amazon, etc, I got one on eBay because fuck Amazon.


Looks pretty good recently:


I expected things to stay bad there for a long while.

Don’t worry. Party is just kicking off.

We will have a post-Easter spike all over many states…will see that spike mid-May as a lot of church goers and people they interact with meet their maker

This crisis has made me realize how badly humanity would shit the bed in the face of an imminent extinction level threat. Like imagine if there were a planet-killer asteroid detected 6 months out.


Quick, to the Costco! We need 100 TP rolls ASAP!



I watched Independence Day, Armageddon, and Deep Impact a couple of weeks ago. People being stoic about their fate was a glaring error, but the biggest thing that stuck out was the competent leadership.

I just informed my buddy he’s probably getting an extra $600/week soon. I feel like Santa Claus.

Ben Affleck would disagree with you that the leaders in Armegeddon were competent.


Looks like I got deleted. Fucking snowflakes.


I was roundly mocked by a couple people here for questioning the safety of going for walks outside. Looks like the time limit on how long someone’s respiratory droplets will stay airborne is relatively low, BUT it appears coming within 50 feet of someone does create a level of risk if you walk/jog directly behind them - or conversely, logic would dictate, passing them and walking down sidewalk they just walked/jogged down.


LMAO they are the biggest snowflakes of them all.