COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Ya no one with a functioning brain would predict something like this to follow a bell curve distribution. That is unreal.

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Grunching. There are multiple strains of dengue. You aren’t catching the same one twice.

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I guess that guy can speak for himself. But I was already set up to work from home efficiently since I was working remote 2 days a week already. And now I’m saving an additional 3-4 hours per day for the other 3 days when I used to drive into the office with my commute from hell. My productivity has spiked.

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I read this as “seldom and never fucking” the first time. I was thinking that was taking social distancing too far.


I so so so badly want to go over to 2+2 and start a “How’s Donald Trump Been for the Poker Economy?” thread.


This is New York


Jfc. What even is that container?

Looks like the back of a semi trailer, a spoiler would look ridiculous.

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I said as much a little earlier today. I think a lot of people will discover their productivity spiking.

But I think Neil’s point is still salient. The mere emotional weight of the pandemic is heavier for some than others. It’s not really the same as if you were suddenly working from home in pre-COVID circumstances.

Medicare used to pay for autopsies, but they stopped and since then autopsies are usually reserved for criminal deaths. Usually the coroner just guesses


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Online poker is booming now, so I guess in a roundabout way Trump has been great for the poker economy.

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Agree but it is going to be fairly temporary. Someone on 22 made the same point.

Eta-also holy shit at current 22 traffic. Haven’t been on there in a while and a lot of subs most recent post is not that recent. Mason the only one who didn’t manage to capitalize in any meaningful way on the boom dropped in his lap. Good job buddy! Never change!!

Lotta boom stories going up. Get in before I get perma banned



National Academy of Sciences sends a letter to the White House not to count on warmer weather - which even as the biggest summer pause booster on here I agree with. I never said it was something we could count on, just that it could happen.

For the most part it’s talking about the same studies which have been posted on here which do suggest the virus has some affinity for spreading in the cold. But again, not enough certainty to count on.

However this paragraph makes me wonder:

Some limited data support a potential waning of cases in warmer and more humid seasons, yet none are without major limitations. Given that countries currently in “summer” climates, such as Australia and Iran, are experiencing rapid virus spread, a decrease in cases with increases in humidity and temperature elsewhere should not be assumed.

Tehran had lows around freezing in Feb when it really went nuts, and lows in the 40s in March.

And correct me if I’m wrong - but this thing isn’t really spreading like crazy in Australia is it?

The fight came as Kansas topped 1,000 cases of COVID-19. Already, Kansas officials say three clusters of coronavirus have been tied directly to church events, leading to 165 illnesses and 12 deaths. And dozens of states have limited church gatherings.

Whole state is a Darwin nominee.

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Well damnit.

As previously stated I run at 5:30AM and there’s almost nobody else out there. But the important word there is almost. I can’t recall ever running behind somebody, but I do regularly encounter a guy coming the other way. I wonder how long his “slipstream” hangs in the air behind him. Do I really have to worry about going through his jetwash like I’m in Top Gun? And, if so, it seems to give credence to the idea I shouldn’t be out there at all.

If you’re asymptomatic does that truly mean NO physiological indications of the virus? Like could somebody be carrying the virus and running for miles and miles?

I think exposure risk from what you describe* is so minimal that I wouldn’t change anything. It’s more about having sustained exposure outside to neighbors or other outside workers. You would probably notice if someone coughed or sneezed in your upcoming path. If you are spending much time behind someone on a run, you are not running fast enough.

*as a fellow runner, that it was what I tell myself anyway