COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Pshhhh-on a clear day you can see Nebraska from Illinois.


I can see the mountains from my neighborhood on good days, and the Hollywood sign.

Probably because they live longer

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Looks like we’ll be getting even less testing after Friday as feds are removing some of the financial and logistical support they were providing to the pop up drive thru testing facilities.

As I’ve always said, a good way to reduce the number of illnesses and deaths in a pandemic is to reduce funding for testing.


Even the Trump admin can’t be so stupid to think you can try to open back up again w/o pervasive testing, right? RIGHT?!?!??


Stopped reading here.

Yes they can be that stupid. I don’t care what the rest of the sentence says.


Not going to lie, I would have given long odds against Steak Umm being our smartest food product.



So much going on here


Italy deaths continue their drop but up 800 new cases?
3836 new cases and 542 new deaths

If NY’s long tail looks anything like Italy’s this is going to go on and on and on.

That’s precious

With so many bad coronavirus jokes going around, some doctors are afraid it could become a pundemic.


We are very lucky USA#1Healthcare scares people from going to the hospital so we don’t run out of equipment.


Didn’t think of that but for sure true. Women significantly outnumber men in the older age groups.

Which makes the bent towards males getting sick in most places even more odd.

How many fingers would I need to use to count the federal government testing sites.

The lack of testing is still the biggest blight on the US response so far and it has only slightly improved. Not to mention it is not something we just move past. We need more than adequate testing to actually move on. Jesus.

Spoiler alert: This is going to go on and on and on.

Mostly because the response here is so horribly bungled.

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Now is the time to be dumping a ton more resources into drive through testing sites not pulling back.

Again though the US government is having everything they do dictated by others and businesses.

“Smells like corona”

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But I guarantee businesses aren’t that dumb. They want testing everywhere when we try to open up - so that little pockets and flare-ups can be identified and stamped out before we have to shut down the economy again. We tried sweeping it under the rug. Didn’t work then, won’t work now.

That’s my point. I know Trump is dumb but he does seem to listen when a parade of CEOs tell him they want something.

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Italy last had a similar number of deaths on 20 March, ~20 days ago (~15,000 deaths ago). But bear in mind, they’ve been under STRICT lockdown for about the same time period, nationwide

Spain for comparison - now the Euro Hotspot with 20 days onslaught

EDIT: Similar to US, neither are counting deaths outside of hospitals