COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

That is interesting because men have been worse off pretty consistently everywhere else.

Obviously a small sample size but still interesting that female deaths are even.

But when weā€™ve tested for antibodies, weā€™ve gotten low infection rates. Didnā€™t they do the antibody tests in Telluride and that remote town in Italy?

Boris Johnsonā€™s condition ā€˜improvingā€™ - Sunak

The prime minister remains in intensive care ā€œwhere his condition is improvingā€, Chancellor Rishi Sunak says.

ā€œHe has been sitting up in bed and engaging positively with the clinical team,ā€ he adds.

Could be some people are resistant to it with becoming immune.

If being able to sit up in bed and interact with his doctors is an improvement, they were lying to us about his condition before this.


I admit to feeling a bit disappointed.


Iā€™ll give him a glimmer of hope when he gets moved from ICU, until then heā€™s very much still in danger.

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No confusing messages in the UK. Heā€™s on oxygen but not a ventilator. Always been described as ā€˜stableā€™, Iā€™m afraid

Boris is 5ā€™ 9" and 16 stone (224 pounds) though apparently with UK now reporting >25 BMI is a big problem. Full of muscle thouā€™ :slight_smile:

All the numbers are bullshit.
The data is bullshit. The projections are bullshit.

People try to make sense of the unknown to make themselves feel better. Without accurate and verifiable data, all the figuring in the world might as well by a prayer to God.



so i take it youā€™re not a bayesian :wink:

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I am 100% not hoping he doesnā€™t recover, but people seeming to do better before nosediving has been a common element to some of the stories Iā€™ve read.


I stated the very same upthread - but the complications come after 7-10 days (elephant on chest) after feeling better for 1-1.5 days (apparently)

Boris went to hospital on 7th day as sypmtoms not elleviatedā€¦ so be may be through the worse - or dead in 4+ days

I tend to love so root for all in his position, regardless of race / creed / nationality / potlical leaningā€¦ thereā€™s a kid in his wifeā€™s belly (not directing this at you, or anyone, btw)

If I told you you were, would it make you change your view?



omg tracy morgan :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Sad, that so many people are dying at home. Suzzer keeps repeating that we arenā€™t Italy b/c we arenā€™t choosing which people to ventilate yet, but I think itā€™s more a factor of most Italians being willing to go to a hospital whereas in the USA weā€™ve developed a culture that is more likely to try and wait it out at home due to worry about it costs so many more people are dying at home before even reaching the hospitals.


When you live in LA every now and then you get that crystal clear day - sort of like how you can be outside at night in a t-shirt every once in a blue moon in SF.

I have a few spots in LA with 360 degree views at sunset that I go to on super clear days. Insane.

Although still the best view Iā€™ve ever seen in my life is the top of Mt. Tam at sunset on a clear day. The whole Bay Area lights up like a model train set.

LA has great mountain views a lot of the time and in many places. Imo you need good water and mountain views at the same time to be the best - Seattle area #1. Bay Area pretty awesome.

Some of Hawaii is good for this too. If you allow for a volcano/single peak qualify as a mountain