COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

fuck off

What West Wing bro doesn’t get is that it’s possible that all the pros at the CDC and throughout the hard working classes of government employees and bureaucrats can all be awesome wonderful people, but they are ruled over by a terrible class of actual politicians and political appointees. It’s not great. The scientists that work for the tech-bros are surely mostly hard working well meaning people too. The tech-bros and the business stooges that run things there mostly suck of course.

Sure, if you want to ignore the hits and cherrypick the misses you can come up with clownposts like this. But this thread has a consistent theme of people being impressed with how South Korea has handled this. The virus was sequenced within days. Meanwhile, president Businessbro is slashing response teams and telling people to drink aquarium cleaning products and you say we need more of that?


Is this not exactly what I’ve been saying?

We need a weak government is quite the taek in the present environment.

Welcome to Florida!


Gr Britain is a perfect example of what an extra couple of weeks of going for herd immunity can do. Right on the heels of the US with 1/5 the population. That’ll expect we see the US south catch and pass NY by the end of April. (Per capita) unless temperature really does slow this.

Staying home has really worked. Could be better but huge

1.1^30 is 17 fold
1.2^30 is 237 fold
1.414^30 is 33,000 fold. (Double every two days)

I very like everyone is pushing too hard on the basis of a glimmer of optimism which they are not even waiting to see if it sustains.

Countries want to open up after bad numbers just level off a couple days. I am nervous.

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Apparently this is actually real based on all the social media they post in the article.


The key to being woke in our government is that the side that claims government is ineffective actively rigs the system to make it ineffective.

Most recent examples are Wisconsin voting and Florida UE system.

It’s not a big it’s a feature. Either government is trying to do its best and is empowered to do so OR private companies do a half ass job and it’s real purpose is to siphon dollars, not produce results (health outcomes in this case).

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Not really hard to believe. The San Gabriel Mountains were basically impossible to see from some time in the 50s until some time in the 80s. Probably a bit of an exaggeration - like after big storms they could probably see the mountains.


Yeah, but it takes something to change this other than just voting for Joe Biden.

Actually the Koch brothers are one of the biggest TP suppliers in the country.

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A question for folks that have some clue about this stuff, if it turns out that people don’t gain/retain immunity from exposure, what implications does that have in the big picture/long run? Will it remain just as dangerous as it is now, or will it become less dangerous/more dangerous (or is it possible to know)? I know with dengue fever it’s much more dangerous the second time you catch it (R.I.P. Andy Irons), is it possible to know at this point?

They have to produce a lot to clean up after themselves.


I’m fairly sure the couple of weeks you refer to is a couple of days.

As a reminder Trump was on board too but changed his mind like 48 hours later after the Imperial College, London report stating the yuge deaths if this route was followed.

Trump: ‘They call it the herd, you know’

Yup. Angel Soft and Quilted Northern are made by Georgia-Pacific (subsidiary of Koch Industries), as are Dixie cups and Brawny paper towels.

Time to get a bidet for reals.

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This would mean everyone is fully restocking their 2 month home stock regularly though.

People should be going through their home stores which should leave more tp in the stores, but it is not happening.