COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

She’s admitted her hypocrisy and apologised, and will take on fewer public duties from now on aka a total embarrassment.


What a strange country


I mean it’s only hypocritical because they gave dumb advice:

Last month, the Scottish government issued a travel warning criticising the “irresponsible behaviour” of people with second homes and campervans travelling to the Highlands in a bid to isolate.

Why is isolating in second homes irresponsible?


I don’t get it. She should be telling everyone to get out of the cities and into caravans and spread out.


also what the fuck is a caravan?


I think it’s a travel trailer. I think that’s what they said in Snatch.


It isn’t per se, but the government’s advice repeated every day is that only essential journeys should be made, and its own employees should fucking well observe the same rules as the rest of us instead of behaving as if they only apply to the plebs ie us.

(Also, she wasn’t isolating in her second home - she visited it twice in 10 days, I believe)

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It’s not hard, but everyone staying inside all the time in cities is wrong. A lot of people are wrong. Not surprising. Keeping away from people is a very simple rule and it could be done in different ways. Proscribing the one and only way is dumb and it leads to stupid things like telling people not to go off and be by themselves.


The point is that there is a “ban” on unnecessary travel - she went to the holiday home, stayed a night and then went back to the main home. Also rural locations (this area is all small villages) have limited healthcare, so townies might easily overburden their system.

It wasn’t as big an issue as the press have made, but it was an embarrassment.


It were swingers hang out, or so I heard.

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There are some campgrounds here in the US where they have closed off two out of three spots so that every site is at least two spots away from another site. People can be smart if given the chance.

People can come from NY and infect uninfected regions, if given the chance (not sure you quite get this)

Like, think why FL might want to quarantine travellers arrving from NY - meanies

Would be like WH recommending everyone wear masks and then Trump saying he won’t be wearing a mask in the next breath

Half of Italy’s problem was the rich in the North travelling South the minute they heard of the northern lockdown… some packed up and headed south in the middle of the night - taking CV with them

A coroner in Indiana wanted to know if the coronavirus had killed a man in early March, but said that her health department denied a test. Paramedics in New York City say that many patients who died at home were never tested for the coronavirus, even if they showed telltale signs of infection.

In Virginia, a funeral director prepared the remains of three people after health workers cautioned her that they each had tested positive for the coronavirus. But only one of the three people had the virus noted on the death certificate.

Across the United States, even as coronavirus deaths are being recorded in terrifying numbers — many hundreds each day — the true death toll is likely much higher.

More than 9,100 people with the coronavirus have been reported to have died in this country as of this weekend, but hospital officials, doctors, public health experts and medical examiners say that official counts have failed to capture the true number of Americans dying in this pandemic, as a result of inconsistent protocols, limited resources and a patchwork of decision-making from one state or county to the next.


Anyways the fake gifts on what’s app that I can’t definitely post here has Wee Nicky swearing at the top of her voice, calling her all sorts, including but not limited to a complete dafty and numpty.

A group of people and camels banding together for safety while crossing the Sahara. But that’s not important right now.


Right on several fronts

SARS-CoV-2: We Finally Have the Great American Novel (Coronavirus)


I’ve spotted two obvious color-scheme violations and a couple others that are walking a thin line.


Anyone want to buy a caravan?

They’re statics :slight_smile:

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