COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Modly’s out… Bye felica

Oh wait…

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Your biologist mate is more qualified than most here to say how to minimise risk of infection, but we just wear masks and disposable gloves to the supermarket, carefully peel them off on our return home and wash hands immediately and again after unpacking the goods, which I reckon is good enough even if it doesn’t afford us the extra 0.1% degree of protection his method does.

I’m 99% sure Cuomo has said it himself.

Last few days of testing for New York state below. Positive rate is still high but has been declining. And yesterday I think is the first time that the number of tests has increased day over day while the number of positives declined.

Day Date Daily Tests New Cases Total Cases Positive Rate
Tuesday 3/31/2020 15,701 7,917 83,712 50.4%
Wednesday 4/1/2020 18,031 8,669 92,381 48.1%
Thursday 4/2/2020 21,555 10,482 102,863 48.6%
Friday 4/3/2020 23,101 10,841 113,704 46.9%
Saturday 4/4/2020 18,659 8,327 122,031 44.6%
Sunday 4/5/2020 18,531 8,658 130,689 46.7%
Monday 4/6/2020 19,247 8,174 138,863 42.5%

See econophile’s post just below yours.

I don’t think anyone ever thought GM or Ford was going to have vents ready by the peak.

for your daily update on how the trump states are handling things…

went to neighborhood walmart which is my closest grocery store today in OK. they did have a line made up for people coming into the store with marks every 6 feet, and there was an attendant in between the entrance and exit clicking off how many people came in and out, but i think they are just dividing their square footage by six or something for the total amount of people they let in, which probably isn’t super effective.

when i was there no one had to wait before entering and it seemed to be the normal amount for a weekday morning. maybe half the people were wearing some kind of ppe, and im including a couple ladies i saw with their scarves wrapped around their face. no one really distancing while walking around the store though. while i was getting eggs off the shelf i turned and almost stepped on a woman that was RIGHT behind me looking around me.

eta- i have been going to the store rather than doing pickup because their pickup system is shit when things aren’t available. they tend to choose to not substitute like items and rather just not give you anything instead. when i did my pre-pandemic shopping, maybe a month ago, i ended up having to go straight from the pickup spot to inside the store to get a dozen or so things they decided not to sub in that would have easily been acceptable.

Earlier, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon revealed the number of people who have died in Scotland after contracting coronavirus is 296, a rise of 74 from Monday

Meanwhile the number of patients being treated in hospital for COVID-19 is 1751, including 199 in intensive care.

Go’an yer’self son :facepunch:


To be fair, its hard to resist a trip to Microcenter. All I got nearby is a goddamn dying Frys

The paper towel crisis makes it difficult to squeeze out all the excess grease.

I was down in Santa Clarita a week ago. People everywhere. Out walking, store parking lots filled, people congregating outside of homes and on street corners. It was nuts.

Let’s start really simple: How would you even know someone is shedding?

The answer, of course, is that you detect virus in their secretions

And that, of course, is exactly what the test is.

Sure there is some variability in testing protocols and effectiveness, but if you add that all up, I don’t think that he is “probably” shedding after a negative test. I’ll give you “possible”.

SLC not likely. Smart progressive mayor seems to be on top of it.

There is no real data on groceries. We are doing the quarantine and heavy hand washing routine. Shop w gloves and masks.

Wash before prep. Wash after prep and before eating. Wash after eating.

I wonder how effective a quick wipe down actually is. I see the stories doing a quickie wipe down of the checkout area and it looks like a cursory job to say they’ve done it as opposed to a deep clean.

We get takeout once a week, a little more careful with that. I plate and store immediately when we get home (usually get enough for leftovers). Toss all the boxes. Wash hands. Zap food to reheat.

Any of these are not 0.00 risk. At some point life never is. Trusting That to take out the top few risks and live (or die…) with the rest.

My dad reports that he made a trip to Walmart in east Tennessee today. He wore an n95 mask that he had left over from landscaping work, but most people weren’t wearing anything.

I’ve read a few studies that talk about measuring people shedding from the throat. My understanding is the nasal swabs go up into your sinuses or something right?

That’s what I’m curious about. Are throat and sinuses always in sync? Maybe so - I’m just asking because I don’t know.

These anecdotal stories are exactly my few experiences venturing out for food. Expecting us to take a sharp downturn when we didn’t do close to what Italy and Spain did seems insane to me. Those places actually stopped the spread through much more draconian restrictions than what we have here and it isnt close. It isn’t clear to me that most people in most places are doing what they need to be here.

I’ve read enough conflicting info (masks don’t help and might make things worse!) to keep doing what I’m doing in regards to food and packages:

  • Repackage or wipe down packaged or frozen perishables
  • Soak most fruits and vegetables in a dilute (200 ppm) bleach and water solution for at least one minute, then rinse with fresh water and dry
  • Leave everything else in my car for 3+ days

When I’m in my house I want it to be a safe zone where I can scratch my eye or my ass if I feel like it.