COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Or investigating Biden, maybe investigating a left wing plot to hack some voting machines in Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee. Oops sorry gotta seize those as evidence!

I decided to check out what the braintrust on 22 is saying and even Toothsayer isn’t on team herd immunity. Not exactly what I was expecting tbh.

Try like a different poker industry thread where they’re discussing when/how to reopen, the future of live poker, etc.

The OOT thread isn’t I looked at that BFI thread once and plucked out my eyeballs.

22 LV Lifestyle / ‘Coronavirus and Vegas’ thread is like going back in time a month or two - you’ll definately be dumber after reading that one

Does anyone know where to get data on COVID in the US in some accessible format like CSV? Like time series data, even state by state, or county by county?

You could just hang out in your back yard, front porch, balcony, or whatever. And the amount of sun exposure you need is pretty low. I haven’t checked it out in a long time, but I think 30min or whatever was mentioned upthread is more than adequate.

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‘One third’ of US deaths in care homes

New analysis by the New York Times suggests a third of all US deaths can be traced to care homes and nursing facilities.

Officials have not yet revealed breakdowns of fatalities but data compiled by the newspaper suggests at least 25,600 care home residents and workers have died with Covid-19.

Their reporting suggests 143,000 cases have been detected at some 7,500 facilities.

Some facilities, like the Cobble Hill Health Center in Brooklyn, have seen dozens of deaths

In some states, including Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, care home deaths account for more than 50% of the state total.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says in its own guidance that nursing facilities are at the “highest risk” of virus spread because of their communal living arrangements. They urge facilities to take “aggressive” action to protect their residents, including restricting visitors and implementing mandatory health checks.

Almost 1.3m total cases and more than 77,000 deaths have been recorded nationally.

I was reading the one that all the dealers and floors post in. Lots of, “So are we re-opening in 2 weeks or a month?” a little bit about safety precautions, and an occasional, “We’re never re-opening.”

Someone I think has tended to have a pretty good read of the industry said it’s just a matter of how long it takes everyone to realize that this is just like the flu, we’re all going to get it, slightly higher death rate. Once we all realize, we’ll all go back to normal.

In before Trump starts talking about this new inflammatory shock thing that the WHO has ignored, and which is far more dangerous than COVID-19 because it impacts our sweet, beautiful children. The Democrats just want to distract you from, I call it, the in-flamm-uh-tour-ee SHOCK. They call it, “The Shock,” because it’s so awful. It’s shocking. Shock and Awe, is a phrase I’ve coined to describe it. Awe, as in awful. Shock and Awe-full.

They hate kids, the Democrat Party, they want to kill them. See first it’s abortions, then it’s infanticide. Now they’re coming for your five year old. And your cheeseburgers. And your freedom. Also your guns. They are the Party of Shock and Awe Full.

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Next day, after report comes out with 100% incontrovertible evidence inflammatory shock is directly related to COVID19: “I was being sarcastic.”

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Along the lines of addictive consumerism, even the junky places count. I mean, stuffing a Big Mac in your face is consumerism.

I think the NVG coronavirus/WSOP thread might be the most useful, just because of how it is modded. It definitely gives me the “how coronavirus affects gambling” angle that I don’t quite get here.

I follow a few of the threads about specific venues that I have played at and likely will play at again. There are posters who are casino employees or who have likely talked to people who are who have some sense of what casinos are planning.

I suspect they only send them out to people who have filed income tax returns in America.

If that’s the case, then I won’t be getting anything :frowning:

These motherfuckers have spent A TON on youtube advertising. They are attempting to get to the younger demo. The ads are pretty gross

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Is the WSOP still on? When is it? July?

Haven’t looked at that one. I was lurking in the breakroom one for gaming employees, and a couple venue threads.

The talk I’ve heard, none of which is local, is 4-max in Vegas, 6-max at some east coast places, possibly with plexiglass in between players. Like, none of this seems to me like it would make a huge difference in an individual’s risk of contracting it while playing poker. From a public health perspective, it reduces the size of the ensuing outbreak.

Like, scenario A: unmitigated poker. Say 15 full tables on a given night, ~150 people at a time, maybe 25% turnover every 60 minutes or so? So in an 8 hour stretch you’re looking at around 450 people through the room. If you play for four hours, which is probably average for a lot of regs, you’re directly exposed to about 16 players and 8 dealers, but those 8 dealers are basically exposed to everyone. Where it really gets fun is with asymptomatic spread, because those dealers working an 8 hour shift are basically exposed to the entire room, daily, and if they catch it, they’re asymptomatically spreading it to everyone for (most likely) 3-7 days.

Scenario B: Everyone required to wear surgical masks, dealers required to use sanitizer between tables, chips disinfected every night, plexiglass between players, 6 max, only 1/4 capacity in terms of number of tables. You still have dealers going table to table, so you’re still sharing germs with everyone in the room. The plexiglass probably won’t go high enough that viral particles can’t get over it, or far enough out into the table that they can get around it. The biggest problem, though, to me, is still that the dealers are dealing to a fresh set of players every day. The people playing are way more likely than random people to be carrying the virus, because they’re taking fewer precautions than the average person.

To me, the only way to do it safely is to test everyone at the door with a quick turnaround test that is at least 99% accurate on negatives, and still take some precautions because you have to assume a few positives will slip through here and there. Testing, mandated surgical masks for all, permitted n95 masks for anyone who has them, dealer precautions, and improved filtration and you might get me out there before a vaccine.

No, they’re hoping to have it in some form in the fall, last I heard.


Holy fuck that would tilt me.

Derby Lane in Florida was going to open with masks required and 6-max on May 11, but reconsidered. Florida definitely feels like the first place that a poker room will open. Most card rooms are not attached to slot casinos. Some of them stayed open until the very last minute that was allowed. They have a governor who is in the Trump orbit of wanting to open things up.

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