COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I’m starting to be convinced we should just open it up and encourage everyone to have big coronavirus orgies. Have doorknob licking trains, funnel some beers, pass some joints around.

Between the absurd expectations of like 20% of the country, the total ignorance of another 20%, and the sheer stupidity of get another 50%, it’s just hopeless.

Like 50% are covidiots, right off the bat. Yeah, most aren’t packing heat outside the state house, but they’re swapping memes about the commie bastard lockdown and thumping their chest. One dude is ready to defy the law to go get motherfucking boardwalk fries. Grown ass motherfucking man, can’t go a month without boardwalk fries??? Dumbass doesn’t even comprehend that the French fry shop on the boardwalk is probably fucking closed cause NOBODY IS THERE. But he’s pounding his chest about how he’s going to drive 2 hours to get them and his commie (Republican) governor can’t stop him.

Another 20% don’t know shit, they’re just bored as fuck and/or broke as fuck. It’s hard to blame the broke ones, which is a lot of people. Checks in the mail may work when Steve Mnuchin says it to Joe Schmo, but Joe Schmo’s landlord/grocer/etc hears it, we’ve got problems. There are plenty of people ready to snap who aren’t quite smart enough to figure the risks. I get it. I want to do various things, I just understand the risks aren’t worth it.

Another 20% were sold a bill of goods on 15 Days, just kidding 30 Days to Slow the, just kidding open it up and ensure the spread. Like they’re sick and tired of it. Most of these people feel totally invincible. There’s no talking to them. It’s just the flu, it’s 1968, they didn’t shut down in 1918, they just want to go grab a beer with the boys or hit the gym or go to a game. It’s been too long, are we there yet? How bout now? Now? When are we going to be therrrree? Some think there’s no play but to go back to normal and the wait is not to flatten the curve, it’s to get people to realize we have to open up.

Maybe with a competent president we could sell people on another 30 days to ramp up testing, but we’re not even ramping up testing.

It’ll obviously be state by state, but even then, what’s the point? People will cross state lines. Georgia is open and covidiots are flocking over from all the neighboring states. How long til jackasses from the northeast start flying to Georgia or Florida to live their best life? The open cases will export outbreaks to the closed states, which will be a whole new clusterfuck. Sorry, Philly/Boston/NYC, we were almost ready to open but Johnny and his friends went partying in Atlanta and now 100 people have COVID and we’ve gotta stay closed two more weeks. That’ll go over reallll well.

Might as well just open it all the way up and watch the bodies pile to the sky. Maybe when they block out the sun we can try again.

Seriously, nobody read 2p2 or Facebook. ItS tHe FlU iTs ThE fLu ItS tHe FlU.

We are all so so so so so so so so so so so fucked. We had a window to do this right, it’s long gone. It was in March, and it required UBI. Even Mitt Romney knew it but he’s a left wing commie by American standards, so that was a no go.

California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii have a chance. The Northeast has a chance for a while, til we start importing cases like crazy from the Southeast. But like 45 states are just going to be off to the races soon.

Just hope we get long term immunity, because we’re going for it.


Welcome to back to reality brother. It sucks here. Not calling you out in particular or anything… I’m just doing that thing where you see other people go through what you went through a couple of weeks ago.


Was she in a 5G area though?

Hell I’m wondering if I get $1200.

The really scary and disgusting thing to me is that a LOT of people are really willing to accept the death of a large portion of the grandparents in this country to eat a dine in meal at Chili’s. It’s complete insanity and I don’t get it at all.

The other thing the covidiot class doesn’t get, and I’ve said this to dozens of them in the last two months, is that there is no magical immediate trip back to the economy of 2019. By letting this thing rage trying to go back to normal it is just going to increase the severity and maybe the duration of the event causing the shock. By opening prematurely we guarantee most affected businesses fail. Stuff like arenas and the districts around them, tourism, tourist towns, airlines, airports, aircraft manufacturers, oil and gas, most restaurants, gyms, etc. all have little to no chance in this environment. The multitude of businesses and industries that support and supply these businesses will also fail in big numbers. And when they eventually mostly permanently fail then those jobs truly are lost in a more long term sense if they haven’t been already. The 50-60% moron class literally can’t shop, dine out, travel and party enough to make up for the fact there is a fairly large group of us who have reduced our consumption in these areas to zero.

The whole thing is a complete nightmare scenario and we are going to get to live through a huge number of people dying and likely the worst economic event in almost 100 years all at the same time. All we can do is try and survive and advance frankly. None of us can do anything about what is coming and that is not going to be easy to deal with.



In the UK we’re heading for the biggest drop in GDP in 300 years. UK#1


Just in case you need something else to stock up on.

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This is a reconstruction of the timeline of the outbreak in Austria.

They identified 169 clusters. 60 of those are retirement and nursing homes and another 40 are households.
There are no known clusters related to schools or day care centers. No evidence for transmission chains through public transport or store visits.

Other results:

-infected are infectious before they have symptoms
-infections start after 3-5 days
-transmissions occur when several people are a the same location for an extended period of time (15 minutes)
-for most clusters they can proof so-called “Punktexpositionen” (~point expositions [??]) where one person is the start of a chain and had extended contact with other persons

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South Korea scrambles after nightclub outbreak

South Korean authorities are scrambling to contain an outbreak of new coronavirus cases linked to people who visited bars and clubs in the capital Seoul.

The country’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 18 new cases on Saturday, bringing the total number in the country to 10,840.

Of those new cases, 17 were linked to a 29-year-old man who went for a night out in the capital Seoul’s Itaewon district last weekend.

Health authorities are trying to trace and test people who patronised venues there, telling them to self-isolate.

The mayor of Seoul has now closed down bars and clubs in the city until further notice. "Carelessness can lead to an explosion in infections,” he said.

South Korea has received international plaudits for its coronavirus containment strategy, which involves aggressive contact tracing, monitoring and testing. The country is in the process of relaxing restrictions.

Is that since they started tracking? It’d be funny if there was some big recession in 1720.

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Just go outside during the day for a half hour a day.

Bam! Vitamin D!


It’s all they have in their life. People are completely alienated from their labour and social bonds have been destroyed only to be rebuilt by capitalism as monetisation vehicles so all that’s left in America is a vague sense that you’re #1 at everything combined with absolutely no evidence of that other than conspicuous consumption. If the consumption ends then it’s gets even harder to process the cognitive dissonance involved.


I feel cursed being able to run my own projections. I can’t even avoid by not opening my computer, I’ve done so much similar math for 30+ years that estimates essentially just occur to me that are close enough to scare the shit out of me.

My overall prediction of what will happen—when it becomes the covidiots and their families then people in general will want to re-lockdown but the momentum to reopen will be so strong and the spread so deep into rural America that it will be too late. Like a plane landing 2/3 of the way down the runway and expecting to stop in time.

They are willing to sacrifice your Mom. Not their Mom.

I think we are on the way to least 400k.

I still listen to some sports radio. The dim(witted) lightbulbs will be going off about the time they try to bring sports back.

Now the big question is will it result in a blue tidal wave in November. It should but who knows and why is Barr so smug about being a winner.

I largely agree with this. I think there’s also the dynamic of an addiction at play. Corporations have carefully homed their techniques for triggering a little blast of dopamine when you buy something from them. As you say, many many people have surrendered patterns of meaningful fulfillment for what amounts to “push the button get a treat” capitalism. Stopping people from consuming triggers a response in many people that you would see when you talk drugs away from an addict.


I talked to a contractor I know pretty well for the first time in a while yesterday. I have always avoided politics with him. I assume he voted Trump. I know he listened to Rush.

He’s taking covid relatively seriously. Limits exposure and wears a mask.

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The Act of Union of 1707 integrated the countries into the UK, so basically yes.

NHK is doing the work some network in the US should be doing. We got the coughing dummy, that’s about it.

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do you have a link?

what is the bleach to water ratio to make my own cleaning solution that kills covid?