COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Mexico City is 70s-80s and humid right now according to the 10 day forecast?

Whatā€™s your problem. We did 15 days to slow the spread. It slowed. Now get back to work bitch.


Sure and itā€™s super crowded - average high of 80 in April which is a lot cooler than a lot of places in the US South.

The US south isnā€™t exactly fairing too well at the moment.

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Obviously. Mexico city is one of the most crowded, most polluted cites in the world. Itā€™s going to have a problem no matter what.

Trumpā€™s wall might have stopped them from catching the 'rona from USA#1. :(

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I completely agree that population density matters a lot and pollution seems like it might matter also. We have a lot of data points now though where places that are humid and at least fairly warm are exploding. Most of the cases in Brazil are Rio and Sao Paulo both of which are humid and had average highs in the 80+ range for April:

Most India cases are in Mumbai. It is humid and 90 degrees there right now:

My Dad got $1200 and he hasnā€™t worked for a few years. Does everyone get them even people on Social Security?

Yeah every time someone posts a hot weather country I say the same thing - maybe it reduces R0 from 6 in cold dry air, to 2 or something. Who knows. Look at meat packing plants - that seems to be virus heaven. But the virus obviously doesnā€™t instantly melt at 85 degrees.

My hope/theory is that sunshine + outdoors + hotter, more humid weather + masks in sane cities + whatever social distancing we are still doing keeps the thing somewhat in check for the summer. By the end of the summer I expect it to come roaring back no matter what.

I agree with you it might matter to some extent to be fair. I am just still hearing people, and I donā€™t mean you, talking about how the summer could eradicate it or somehow solve our problem. I think we have a lot of evidence now that isnā€™t going to happen. Like you said it may slow it down some though.


Regarding the bolded, youā€™re saying most of America is fucked then?

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So I decided to check a deplorableā€™s Facebook feed, who Iā€™ve had blocked for a while. Iā€™m shook, guys. Weā€™re fucked. I should not have looked. Weā€™re going full speed ahead toward max carnage. Weā€™re going to speed up when we see the wall, weā€™re going to disable the airbags, weā€™re going to take the seat belts off. Better hope we can fly.

Keep yourself and your loved ones as safe as you can.

Hopefully long-term herd immunity is a thing, because if not, weā€™re just going to let a million+ Americans die for nothing, then probably keep doing it again every year for nothing. Because damn it, these people REALLY want their beaches and boardwalks.

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Feeling incredibly #blessed that I deactivated Facebook before this started.


Donā€™t use hashtags while bragging about avoiding social media.

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Iā€™m on SSDI and got it. But I also work and file taxes so YMMV.

Yes people only social security still get it. Dad got it and heā€™s been on SS for like 8 years.

(Thatā€™s the joke)


So at this point, I believe that we still havenā€™t had a single claim of ā€œI got corona virus from my amazon package/ Instacart groceriesā€ ???

Yes, some lady got it a few weeks ago from deliveries as she hadnā€™t left her house in a month.