COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

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She grew up where I live. Plaque dedicated to her recently at a park. Met her daughter.

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Interesting. But if R0 is higher that still has the societal impact of more morbidity.

This is odd, isn’t viral load associated with outcomes? So shouldn’t more viral load = worse outcomes? (I’ll admit, I didn’t read the article. I’m too tired right now to read anything complex.)

Yeah also I can’t tell from their writeup whether they accounted for age in that analysis. Like if the average age of patients is 5 years younger but outcomes are the same, then that’s worse.

Most likely age is the third variable there, i.e. greater age predicts both higher viral load (due to decreased immunocompetence) and worse outcomes.

Edit: I’m really speculating, like higher viral load does = worse outcomes for viruses generally, but maybe not for COVID where it seems to hinge on whether you develop specific lung pathology or not, maybe that’s down to factors other than viral load.

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So this would mean that the newer strain is worse in lethality, but also infects more younger people which pulls the overall rate back down a bit - even though it’s got a higher mortality rate for them, too.

Well… I would sort of assume they accounted for age in their analysis as it’s an obvious variable to account for, but from the cursory read I gave their writeup I couldn’t see where it specifically said they had.

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Last evil thought before turning in. Can we get the Q people to start gathering in large numbers wo masks to support trump. Put some old school van grafenberg machines up as protection to zap any airborne viruses so it’s safe. Maybe they could all sing songs together?

That’s it cause if I touch my spreadsheets I’m up until 2.

Nice finds on the mutations, mate. G’night. Crikey.


New York State positive test rate just dipped below 10%


Gonna be a lot of babies born named Corona 9 months after Trump dies from the virus.


Man people pick some weird baby names.

In the Czech Republic, there’s actually a government-approved list of baby names that parents must choose from. Can’t name your kid Spoon or Sword or shit like that.

I think there are exceptions for foreign couples in some circumstances though. For example, most of my Vietnamese students don’t have Czech first names even though they were born in the Czech Republic.

Still anxiously awaiting President Nancy Pelosi.

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So you’re saying they’re Pho Czechs?

Maybe the practice should be bahned.


Why do you say 90k by Memorial Day? That would be 15 days after you predict 80k

Do you really think we are gonna suddenly drop to <1k/day immediately next week?

You should be saying 100k easy by Memorial Day

15 days? You rang?


Ah, that makes sense

Mexico looks to really be exploding right now. Another data point that makes it look like summer is unlikely to save the day in the US.

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Most of the people in Mexico live at altitude in dry air.

The hot parts in the Yucatan and South are fairing a little better.