COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

If the US government were as competent as the CCP, we would have crushed this virus and had a lot more people living.

I know they are trying to distract from the cataclysmic failure of the US government, but we really took this failure to the next level with no real sign of an end and no sign we will have necessary testing any time soon.

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The fact our Federal response was to basically do nothing besides give money away to the rich and then pressure states to reopen at the current peak is completely insane. But we were never getting a competent response from Trump no matter what happened.


This is just stupid.

On Monday, Yahoo News reported that there are regularly held large events with unmasked attendees in close quarters at the White House ā€” including inside the Oval Office, which is the presidentā€™s inner sanctum. Many Secret Service employees on the White House grounds are among those who are not wearing masks.

I hope they all get corona for being cowed into not wearing masks or practicing best behaviors by their idiot boss.

While temperature checks were being administered to everyone entering the White House complex, not everyone who entered the Oval Office with the president was given a test. On multiple occasions last week, reporters were brought into the Oval Office without being given tests or being required to wear masks.

At this point in his horrible presidency, the least trump owes us is catching the virus and passing away creating an urgency to take things more seriously. He could end his term doing something to actually help the country.


This is the one White House approach that I like on this.

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I assume this is ponied, but COVID is getting close to Trump and all the nepotism may be paying off for us. (Stephen Millerā€™s wife ā†’ Pence ā†’ Trump omgomgomggogogogo)


Ivanka too. At the very least, itā€™s dialing up the cray cray on the Trump Paranoia.

ā€œHow did the virus get through the iron gates?ā€

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Trump dying of covid19 is gonna be such a crazy moment. Half the country is gonna be like North Korea when Kim Jong-Il died while the other will want to celebrate out in the streets but canā€™t because of the pandemic.

Itā€™ll be such a bittersweet moment.


Lol. Iā€™m trying to find a way to make this joke on the postā€¦

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I play limit so it happens a lot more often, but my favorite is I called with T8 unimproved. He showed T9 unimproved. I check-called the river to induce a bluff too.

Oh, and then even though his 9 didnā€™t play I mucked my hand and he took the whole pot.


Ivanka tested positive???1?1??

I doubt that. Trumpists seem more likely to skip the super-grief phase and immediately move to aggression and blaming others: ā€ž The Russia hoax weakened his immune system. This is all just a Bezos/Obama/Killary- led Plan to kill the president. Theyā€˜re human scum. We need to outlaw Democrats and the mediaā€œ

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No, she and Jared tested negative and her personal aide who tested positive has been teleworking for a while, apparently.

Even if Trump died from Covid they would just lie about it and come up with some other reason. That is the biggest problem with the Trump dies from Covid fantasy.

I donā€™t really care what causes Trump to die.


Her personal assistant tested positive.

Iā€™m celebrating all day all night, donā€™t care. Put me in a packed stadium hugging and kissing everyone.


You just blew my mind. This is like some Berenstain Bears shit.


Still have no idea how people thought it was the Berenstein Bears. Stein is pronounced very differently from stain.

Iā€™d understand it a bit more if there was a Berenstain Bears book about Sister Bearā€™s first seder but afaik there isnā€™t.

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Really good explainer piece on the D614G mutation by Derek Lowe here. He and Trevor Bedford, a UW virologist whom he quotes in the piece, both think that there is some evidence of increased transmission in G614 but that the data are inconclusive. Definitely recommend reading this piece as itā€™s a really thorough summation which is neither too simplified nor too impenetrable.

Information in it which was new to me was that UW Virology repeated the analyses in the paper. In addition to repeating the PCR cycle count analysis, they hypothesised that the median age of patients with G614 would be lower because if viral load is higher, contagious individuals will be more likely to infect younger, healthier people.

They replicated the finding that median PCR cycle count was lower in G614 (19.57 vs 18.52 cycles, P = 0.0004) which is evidence that G614 viral load is higher. They also confirmed their hypothesis that average patient age would be lower (55.6 vs 50.6, P = 0.009). Conclusion:

These are preliminary finding that requires further verification and should be followed by laboratory experiments comparing replication potential of these mutations in vitro . However, the lower average Ct and lower age seen in patients with viruses in clade G is consistent with increased replication potential conferred by the Spike: D614G mutation.

They went on to confirm that there is no difference in clinical severity between clades. Infection with G614 is not a predictor for either chance of inpatient hospitalization or mortality. So thatā€™s good.