COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I didn’t really like veggies until I tried, now I’ve found a few very enjoyable dishes and don’t really miss the meat - plus I still eat it once every 2-3 weeks, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

My brother was Err Vegan until this week, he’s changed back for the duration of this pandemic in case he has too if supplies dry up mostly fish though plus the extra protein.

What’s “Err Vegan”?


Used to be? Punctuation is failung

What is it about meatpackers lifestyle that makes the Covid-19 easier to catch?


Thanks :v:

That was meant to be a sarcastic comment as the MSM are circulating a news story about how meatpackers lifestyles outside the factories may be the cause of them catching the Rona. :angry:

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When one pork processing plant in Missouri began working with the state health department to test its workforce, more than 370 employees tested positive. All of them were asymptomatic.

I’ve seen this over and over again… were they asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic? Huge difference and whomever writes these articles is too dumb to know how much it matters.


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Anyone else catch one of the Epoch Times YouTube ads dropping Alex Jones level conspiracy theories about the coronavirus?

The average age of a meat packing plant employee almost has to be pretty low. It’s physically brutal work. It’s the kind of job 20 something year old immigrants get when they first arrive in the country.

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My brother worked in an abattoir when he was 19-20. His stories made me a vegetarian for about 3 years.


Is this at a hospital in Russia? Maybe it’s why all those doctors are killing themselves


Is it nitty to point out that the artist is Rachel Platten, not Katy Perry?


Another one bites the dust. Ivanka’s personal assistant has the Rona.


Their newspaper was recently delivered to my parents house and when I saw it I couldn’t remember exactly what it was but then I saw one of the first articles was how we should call Covid the CCP Virus and it’s not racist to even call it the Chinese virus lol

Here’s the newspaper lol a lot of people have been getting it randomly delivered

Seems like we probably see a gradual decline through most of May as we work through the last of the lockdown infections and still have closures in the worst states. It is hard to see deaths decline too dramatically though when we still are at 25-30k new cases a day.

I still personally think we hit 100k in May pretty easily. That is less than a 1k/day average from here.

Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy died today from A tige…corona virus.

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11 current cases among Secret Service agents, but they haven’t said whether any are on presidential detail.

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