COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Like the novel coronavirus, stupid does not respect borders.

The deaths of more than 50 hospital and care home workers have been reported to Britainā€™s health and safety regulator, which is considering launching criminal investigations, the Guardian has learned.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which investigates the breaking of safety at work laws, has received 54 formal reports of deaths in health and care settings ā€œwhere the source of infection is recorded as Covid-19ā€. These are via the official reporting process, called Riddor: Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences.

Separately, senior lawyers say any failures to provide proper personal protective equipment (PPE) may be so severe they amount to corporate manslaughter, with police forces drawing up plans to handle any criminal complaints.

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In case some of you are worried we have to wait for a vaccine, good news. It is going to go away on its own.

Hospitals probably turning away child gun shot victims because of Covid.

I just did my bi-weekly visit to my office in the Hancock Park area, coming from Glendale. Traffic has definitely gotten thicker. After over a month of so few people on the roads I find myself absolutely enraged by any traffic at all.

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Iā€™ll admit, when I first read this, I thought she was talking about kids in cages. Lol @ her.

My concern with a vaccine is how do you distribute it after itā€™s developed? Even a random flu shot at Walgreens takes a half hour. How are we vaccinating 300+ million people quickly?

It will probably involve the military or national guard. It also wonā€™t be 300+ million people quickly. First itā€™ll be the politically connected 1%ers, then itā€™ll be the frontline medical workers, then itā€™ll be cops and military, then weā€™ll do some kind of lottery probably. The military/national guard will be involved to enforce the lottery. Itā€™ll likely also be rigged.

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The seasonal flu doesnā€™t kill .1 percent for the same reason this doesnā€™t really kill 6 percent. The .1 percent nubmer thrown about is confirmed cases who seek treatment. The true IFR of the seasonal flu is more likely in the .01-.02 rate.


10 million shot givers! Cut unemployment in half!

  1. Open thread after nap
  2. See well over 100 posts
  3. See idiot posts immediately
    4 puts idiot on total ignore for 2 weeks
    5 enjoy thread
    6 see idiot had been moved to containment thread
    7 profit of mental health



Seriously we need covid response workers for testing, maintaining social distancing, delivering food to hospitals and shut ins. Administering shots. Heck make PPE or whatever else we need.

Itā€™s not like we donā€™t have a shit ton of unemployed people.

This is ripe for a new deal style public works program. How popular could that be?

Dammit, forgot we are the nazis now. Silly me.

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Please cite that flu counts are 1/10 of diagnosed.

The only thing that stops a coronavirus is a good guy with a gun


Yeah I agree with almost all of that, the problem is though with anti-vaxxers is the mountain of proof showing itā€™s super safe. AFAIK there is nothing in the world with more evidence than most of these vaccines. I mean some bad shit does happen sometimes but itā€™s .001%. And it does put your kid at risk when you donā€™t do it. Most of these things had herd immunity but in some areas they donā€™t anymore because of this movement. I remember a bunch of kids got super fucked up and sick at disneyworld because a bunch of the kids were unvaccinated. Hell I think they have settlements where all the unvaccinated kids live together.

So yeah their approach is kinda understandable but still super bad.

Alright Stu lol. Iā€™ve probably had some small medium sized K high and Q high on good boards but damn at T highs. Live misclicks that youā€™re taking credit for imo

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Yeah Iā€™m not at all condoning anti-vaxx. Itā€™s terrible. It opened my eyes a bit that a lot of the ā€œwokeā€ types who are anti-big-pharma and pro-plant based diets arenā€™t these super intelligent woke types, they just happened onto that and can be convinced of damn near anything.

Haha, no misclicks. Throwback to 2p2!


The ones I know stumbled on it via LSD lol. Honestly Iā€™d bet thats a huge percentage of them. Really it did make me want to be way healthier and kinder and eat healthier. I was already a pretty nice guy but after LSD I went out of my way to try and be super nice because it makes you feel like everything and everyone is connected in some way.

Not enough to give up meat though. Iā€™ve considered it a few times but unfortunately I donā€™t really like veggies and have to get mine via making smoothies. If I liked a huge variety of veggies I would have done it for moral reasons.

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