COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Anytime someone mentions Doug Polk, I get him confused with the Doug who likes to take pictures with famous people.

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OpenOffice doesnā€™t even have cubic fitting? WTF?

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I am fifty but have a ton of hair style. I actually have been growing it out for a few years, but my hair patterns are pretty far outside my demographic. Really no gray hairs except when I grow a beard (like now) it is almost all white.

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Jesus. Corona going to kill blow jobs.


I registered my supermarket membership card in the UK as a knight to see of theyā€™d call bullshit but I guess Iā€™m not the only person to do that.

Nobody called me Sir even though it was on the card :frowning:


US state experiences rush after lockdown lifted

Visitors rushed to Georgia after the US state became one of the first to allow some non-essential businesses to reopen, a study of US mobile phone tracking data shows.

Traffic to Georgia jumped by 13% in the week after reopening on 24 April, according to University of Maryland researchers.

Most visitors came from neighbouring states where restrictions were still in place, such as Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama and Florida.

The university has used anonymous phone tracking data to determine social distancing scores for each state. The index tracks how far residents of each state are travelling away from their homes.

He started a recall petition against the mayor of Las Vegas and got some news coverage for it.


i dunno Tomi, why are we caging asylum seekers?


I really, really didnā€™t see all the ā€œactually I want the virusā€ takes coming. Some guy did it at my complex dog park last week. How dumb can you be?

An internal memo prepared for Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer ā€œclassifies the American claims as a calculated attempt to distractā€ from Washingtonā€™s own failings

Trump tweet rage incoming :eyes:

Just got off the phone with my mom who wants me to bring my 87 year old gram to the airport the first week of June so she can fly down to NC to my momā€™s house. My gram was an RN for 50 years of her life and understands all the risks but dammit she wants to go to the beach. My mom doesnā€™t want her to fly but gram is going to get on that plane and show up at my momā€™s door no matter what.

I could say no and sheā€™d just drive to the airport herself. But gram isnā€™t a woman you say no to. I hate being a party to a situation that has high potential to end poorly but I guess Iā€™d rather I drive her than she drive herself.

Daily confirmed COVID hospital and nursing home deaths since peak (from Cuomo press conference)
April 8: 799
April 9: 777
April 10: 783
April 11: 758
April 12: 671
April 13: 778
April 14: 758
April 15: 606
April 16: 630
April 17: 540
April 18: 507
April 19: 478
April 20: 481
April 21: 474
April 22: 438
April 23: 422
April 24: 437
April 25: 367
April 26: 337
April 27: 335
April 28: 330
April 29: 306
April 30: 289
May 1: 299
May 2: 280
May 3: 226
May 4: 230
May 5: 232
May 6: 231
May 7: 216

One of my cousins participated in this and I can almost guarantee they only did it because it was an excuse to break quarantine.

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Iā€™m going to have to take my chances lolā€¦

Nah, this haircut does not need to live forever on the Internet. I considered taking it all off, but nobody is going to see it anyway and the main goal here is to be physically comfortable while still leaving the professional enough hair to do her thing when itā€™s safe to venture back out. Iā€™m not looking for a multi-phased recovery project here.

Not the smart ones. I guess it happens more with the high stakes guys cause to get to those stakes you almost have to have horrible bankroll management (or bink a tourney or something).

Iā€™ve done T high twice, 2 for 2. 0 for 1 with 9 high. Lost with 97 high to 98 high. (Facepalm.)

Me, too.

Yeah, I donā€™t have a problem with most of this. I have a healthy dislike and distrust of big pharma. Iā€™m not anti-pharma overall, but Iā€™m going to do my research before taking a medication Iā€™m not 100% sure of, and Iā€™m going to ask questions about whether itā€™s necessary. I donā€™t trust the food industry, either. Theyā€™re hammering us with stuff like high fructose corn syrup and processed sugar and MSG. Weā€™re borderline lab rats to them. They just want that Pavlovian response that makes us eat more of their foods, and usually theyā€™re unhealthy.

So, frankly, eating fresh shit out of the ground and not trusting big pharma seems pretty smart to me. Case in point: I had slightly elevated cholesterol levels a couple years ago, and the doctor wrote me a prescription. I did some research before taking it, and it had actually increased all-cause morbidity in a study. I made another appointment and went back in with the study, which was published and peer reviewed, and started asking a lot of questions. How high was my cholesterol? What were the risks with trying to bring it down naturally? At my age, was it something I really needed to medicate for already even if I couldnā€™t bring it down? What other drugs were available.

Conclusion: no medication for me. Keep an eye on it going forward. She said she was basically required to write that prescription as the first response, as it was generally what was considered standard practice in the medical community, but she actually preferred my approachā€¦ She just canā€™t get sued for her original approach, and could get sued for going with mine first and foremost.

This is why itā€™s healthy to not just trust big pharma and the for profit medical system we have. Iā€™m looking for best outcomes, not covering the doctorā€™s ass.

This makes a lot of sense, imagine what you can charge for a very intimate 25% full comedy club performance by a big name. Probably enough to generate as much revenue as youā€™d have at 100% with a normal club circuit comic. The big name takes a huge haircut, but they at least make some money and stay sharp.


From his office in the Equitable Life Building in Koreatown, attorney Matthew Strugar, 41, has a clear view of Wilshire Boulevard. Over the last two weeks, he said, traffic has slowly gotten worse, to the point that some drivers donā€™t make it down a block before the light turns red again.

The lobby of his building was a ghost town for weeks. Now, he said, he sometimes has to wait for the next elevator so he can ride up alone to his office, where he works by himself.

Heā€™s leaving the house to give his wife space to work from their home in Echo Park. The extra people on the road, he said, must be ā€œfeeling some fatigue, and because it helps with that interpersonal element at home.ā€

As Strugar bikes home, he sometimes pulls over, opens Google Maps and takes a screenshot of where traffic seems to be getting worse. On Wednesday, the 405 through the Sepulveda Pass was a familiar shade of dark red.

Koreatown to the 405 to Echo Park is an interesting route home but besides that Iā€™m cracking up that this guy still bikes to work in downtown los angeles instead of driving what should be 3 miles to his house like cmon this is a once and a lifetime chance to drive around what would normally be traffic hell get back in your suv and live a little.

How many speeding tickets does one need to get to become a Major M.P.H.?

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ā€™Alarmingā€™ spike in child gun accidents

Deadly accidents involving children and firearms have gone up in the past two months, according to US researchers.

It comes after a record spike in gun sales while lockdown measures were first going into place around the US.

Fatal unintentional shootings jumped by 43% in March and April compared to average gun deaths during the same two months in the past three years, according to Everytown for Gun Safety.

ā€œWe know that there are risks to having guns in the home, and with the surge in gun sales in the last two months, it could create more opportunity for kids to gain access to guns and unintentionally hurt themselves or someone else,ā€ said Shannon Watts, founder of the groupā€™s volunteer network Moms Demand Action.

ā€œThe numbers show thereā€™s been an increase in these horrible shooting tragedies during the time the pandemic was at its peak.ā€

Yeah like Iā€™m using the RZ Mask around the apartment complex instead of the P100, and I keep contemplating whether thatā€™s a mistake to take on that slightly elevated risk to not look like a total doomsday prepper and to not burn through my P100 masks. I canā€™t even imagine going out in just an old t-shirt.

About to turn 34, a little gray but not much, few stands here and there. I can see it increasing from the pandemic, though. This stress ainā€™t good. Iā€™ve lived a pretty stress free life the last few years, for the most part.

True, quite a few even like the salt and pepper look.

I just care about it not being all scratchy, I hate it when it gets long on the back of my neck. That and leaving enough raw materials to be able to fix it on the first haircut back to normal.

I dunno, Iā€™m beginning to think that spouses etc are livid at there partners atm and decided to roll the Covid-19 diceā€¦ Beats getting caught tiger King style.