COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Write us a check and we’ll add it for you.

I have no idea but those people were paying $50k to go in the back door. So the front door must be like $500k+?

I’ve always wondered how exactly these rich bros execute it. Is there a bribe guy in the office they can contact. How do they get quid pro quo?

I think it’s above board although they don’t talk about it ever. If you donate a building your kid gets in obviously.

Sure, but 500k isn’t getting you a building.

The not talking about it is what I don’t get.

I suppose one possible approach is to make a large pledge, and then don’t fulfill if kid doesn’t get in. However, from the university’s standpoint, they would worry about taking the kid and having the pledge not met anyway.

My local symphony orchestra has list of options like this too, and now whenever I get mail from them it’s addressed to The Right Honorable McTrollson. I guess rich and snooty people are particular about their titles.


I hope impersonating a clergyman isn’t a crime.


31 and my hair still thick as hell but I already have some grey :sweat:

Prob gonna be hella grey before 50. Better settle down in the next 10 years, this pandemic gonna put me back 2 years :frowning:

It will be a very odd mixture because after a shave most people think I’m like 18-24. Having a bunch of grey before 40 gonna be sending confusing signals.

I get my hair cut at a mexican place. Couple years ago when I first started getting grey the lady pulled one of my entire long grey hairs ( My hair is like 3 inches long or something ) up to show to everyone and talked a bunch of shit and everyone laughed :rofl:


Probably a way bigger deal in your head than it is in reality. I started noticing balding at about age 28 and at 36 I’m now pretty bald w/a bit of grey mixed in. I was meeting far more amazing women in my mid 30s than ever before and it was b/c I’d become a lot more confident and become more passionate about life. Balding or gray isn’t a big deal to most women, it happens to nearly all of us. What is a big deal is if it’s a big hangup to you, which will come across in your personality and interactions with women.


Yea I’m ~30 and my hair is ~50% grays according to my girlfriend. Hasn’t been an issue yet. I might someday get to the point where I think about dyeing it, but 50% isn’t there yet.

Getting lots of compliments on my thick head of hair from all genders.

Still single.

Is we talking hair disasters?


Full head of hair… Late 40’s No grey :point_right: :child::tongue:


You and me both.

Need a haircut in a bad way. Hair is starting to mushroom out.

every damn day there’s new news on this being worse

every damn day there’s new news on “WE"RE OPENING EVERYTHING BACK UP!!!”


Who actually cares about their hair? Nobody is going to see it? The wives are trapped so they count as nobody obviously… plus if they complain you can just point at their roots and they’ll immediately shut up.

It was bugging me looking like Art Garfunkel on the zoom calls. Also it’s getting warm here and I feel a million times better now.

Did you take a before picture?

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Here is a pretty stark difference

Michigan opening up slowly after a lockdown that’s been the flashpoint of the whole covidiot movement.

Iowa which never locked down.

Orange shading represents lockdown. Notice how the background for Iowa has no orange.

(Kudos to one of my mentees for the graphing, he’s using much more powerful tools than old man Dan excel).


I worked SO HARD to become a Marquis. I demand satisfaction!