COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Sociopathic monsters, all of them.

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So I get flattening the curve, and I get trying to reduce the slope of the logarithmic charts. And in the spirit of optimism Iā€™m glad to see that places in Europe, and my home of NYC, may be seeing peaks in growth of cases/hospitalizations/deaths.

But the pessimist in me still says hospital capacity is essentially fixed, so even if the absolute number of new daily cases flattens, youā€™re still overwhelming capacity by adding x number every day, even if the % increase is declining.

But there seems to be some optimism around the flattening of the curve, and the weather has been 60+ and sunny the last couple days, so Iā€™ll try to buy into the optimism more.

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Right now, CR is estimated at 1.1. Was 2.45 on March 17th (day 1 of the lockdown) . Hopefully, we reach where Norway is at the end of April.

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I know itā€™s not an option for everyone, but Iā€™ve had good luck just going to the neighborhood grocery story. Pretty much everything is in stock except paper products. The biggest frustration I have is that all the chains seem to have canceled their weekly circulars, which the cynic in me believes is simply a move to extract more money from increased, and captive, demand.

I do need a good pickle delivery service, though. Pickle guy at the farmerā€™s market has bailed since COVID flared up, and the super market pickle options are mediocre.

Well, you have to flatten it at at a level that is, at first, short-term acceptable to hospital capacity. After that, R has to be pushed down further so the health care system in total can handle the strain in the long-term. The chief anesthesiologist at the hospital here said that an R of 1.3 is unacceptable in the long-term, but possible to deal with in the short term.

A long-winded way of saying youā€™re right, you canā€™t flatten at too high a level.

Tracking site. Dunno if ponied. Created by a 17yo.

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More amazing coincidences

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One of those if you donā€™t laugh, youā€™ll end up crying

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Do we have enough data yet to conclude that deaths are underreported on Sunday and then there is catch-up on Monday?

Iā€™m waiting to see what the covid tracker says after 4 today. Last week there was a catch-up turn after the weekend.

Unnecessary grocery trip report:

Went straight to Aldi shortly after it opened this morning, rather than going to my usual Publix. Overall, thumbs-up. Fully stocked fresh meats - grabbed enough, but didnā€™t hoard. Frozen meats were plentiful. There was even plenty of pasta and some rice. Hell, I grabbed a package of paper towels. Didnā€™t see TP and bagel selection, of all things, was a bit lacking.

Iā€™ve only been to Aldi one other time and that was just for a few things, so I was very inefficient with my shopping. Not familiar with their brands and it seems like itā€™s hit-and-miss if youā€™re looking for specific things. Filled my cart to the brim, though.

As for safety, there was a guy wiping down carts and handing them out. No quarter needed. Frequent signs about social distancing and a posted limit on the number of people allowed in the store. That wasnā€™t an issue, though, as there werenā€™t many people there. About half wore masks. Did see a dude wearing a mask and gloves talking on his cell, which was dumb.

At times, getting near someone was unavoidable, but I just kept my distance as much as possible and kept my head turned. People were polite and gave each other space for the most part.

I do not read 2+2ā€™s covid thread, but from post reports I can tell that suzzer is getting ā€˜em mad.


Aldi is as good as it gets for groceries in my experience.

I think Iā€™ll be going there more during the pandemic. I love my Publix, but wasnā€™t impressed last time I went. Maybe Iā€™ll check it out again to see if hoarding has died down.

I just need to get used to what Aldi has and doesnā€™t have. Though I bought a lot, I was missing a bunch of things that Iā€™ll probably have to place a separate order for elsewhere if I donā€™t want to make another trip. I was thoroughly impressed with the frozen meats section, in particular, which has proven so helpful the last few weeks.

And I have Steak-umm in my freezer.

I had other things I had to do that required me going out, so I worked in a grocery trip on the side. How do people feel about going to multiple places and potentially spreading the virus in multiple locations? Is it better to go home, shower, change and go back out?

Anyways, Iā€™ve been going to the store once a week to get fresh fruits and vegetables and replace whatever non-perishables I use so as to maintain a monthā€™s supply. Pretty happy that all the workers at my local store have masks on now. Maybe ten percent of shoppers are wearing masks. I wasnā€™t, but whatever.