COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Small nit, a small percentage of new permit drivers are very safe, qualified drivers. My brother and I for example were very good drivers, because we grew up farming and had been driving all sorts of vehicles since our feet could reach the pedals.

Yup. Itā€™s barely making the news here now. The Czech media spends more time reporting about how other countries are doing regarding covid19.

You genuinely have no idea what youā€™re talking about. Half your post is speculation, Iā€™m not friends with Berkey or anything but dude is arriving at games with near 7 figures. Heā€™s fine.

Pics or ban

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On second thought cuse, no pics please. Jesus Suz


The idea that he has poor bankroll management comes directly from listening to him speak about it directly on podcasts. This is a guy who believes in himself and has gone broke several times because he doesnā€™t believe he needs to be careful about bankroll management. As I understand it, at one point he was seven figures into makeup, jumped into a big game with the rest of his staked bankroll on the table, and ran good to dig himself out.

I just canā€™t respect that sort of bankroll management. Going broke multiple times and talking people into staking you is the Donald Trump way. Iā€™m not impressed with Berkey bringing large sums of money (that likely isnā€™t all his) to games just as I am not impressed that Trump can erect gaudy buildings with his name on them.

Iā€™ve been led to believe that Berkey has been a net loser on Live at the Bike while playing a rather LAG style. Am I wrong there? From what Iā€™ve seen, his style of play is either a bit of grandstanding to earn him more private game invites or intentional pursuit of an exploitable strategy that he thinks is better than it actually is.

Iā€™ve listened to him on podcasts. He sounds like a guy who fancies himself a big thinker because he uses a bunch of buzz words to take up contrarian positions.

To be clear, Iā€™m not saying heā€™s a losing player overall. I suspect that his ability to game select allows him to survive with a severe case of fancy play syndrome, but Iā€™m psychologically profiling him as resembling some other players I know who are talented but absolute bullshitters who think they are much better than they actually are.

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I thought most high stakes pros go bankrupt (sometimes quite often)?

No shame in that brother!

And citizenship along with it!

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They even have different rejections of modern science.

The vegan anti-vaxxers arenā€™t so much " science is dumb " as they are anti putting man made shit into their bodies. They figure if they just eat fresh shit grown out of the ground they should be healthy and fine. And honestly a lot of them are super healthy and have endless energy and I kinda envy them. And they donā€™t trust profit driven corporations and big pharma. But they still like all kinds of other science. They love Carl Sagan, smoke degrasse tyson etc. Itā€™s specifically big pharma and putting foreign stuff in their bodies. I can almost kind of forgive them since theyā€™re really just missing a couple pieces of the puzzle to get there. I even know a bunch who have come around on the idea through talking to friends they respect.

Right Wing anti-vaxxers usually hate all science and think its against religion and are often WAY dumber.


I mean calling really is the best. I started to go by stimstation on liquidpoker for awhile. Scooping big pots with ace high calls or low pairs is really the best feeling in poker.

Had to work really hard on not making bad calls with people whos ranges really didnā€™t have a lot of bluffs though.

Man I really miss live poker. Online is super boring now.

Iā€™ve been informed that mass yelling outside at 8pm in solidarity for health care workers is a big thing some places. And thatā€™s a very good thing. A very good thing.

But I canā€™t help but think, that a lot of peeps care enough, and are privileged enough, to want to put more than five minutes of symbolic action into the struggle.

Front line medical workers are almost universally against this reckless profits >>> people ā€œopening upā€. Rank & file people almost universally :heart: our front line medical workers.

Donā€™t just only show incredible heart-wrenching symbolic solidarity with our front line medical workers, organize with them to stop profits >>> people too !!!1!

AOC in 2024 !!!1!

Traffic is still light for me, havenā€™t had to use the carpool lane for a couple months

  • Thank god for Nurses Friday !!!1!
  • Nurses canā€™t strike.
  • We have to strike for them.
  • Help stop profits >> people ā€œopeningā€.

Strike every Friday for the duration.

AOC is 2024 !!!1!

B+ or A- in the keeping your hair department

A+ in not going gray

55 full head of hair. Salt and pepper. Pepper still winning but salt gaining.

+1 wife likes my hair
+1 gray a bonus as a consultant


Iā€™ve sent a couple of bitchy emails and subtweeted Nate many times. No response of course. Hopefully these guys get a response or have an impact. One of the replies is from a Georgetown public health prof making themselves available to Nate 24/7 for consultation.


I heard some stand ups talking about what will happen for them. Clubs are going to be opening back up at 25% capacity. Which probably is not enough for anyone involved to make money.

But they are more concerned the big theater acts are going to start back up in the clubs, leaving no room for the people who previously did clubs to perform.

Ali Siddiq was talking how he got bumped from the Houston Improv on Memorial Day for Adam Corolla. I canā€™t believe most people want to go sit in a weirdly configured comedy club and listen to quarantine jokes. BUT I could see Adam Corolla fans being dumb enough to come out en masse.

All these crazy clubs, movie theaters and even insane Miami dolphins plan overlook one real bottleneck. What are any of them doing about restroom usage? How do you successfully keep people separated but still allow people to go to the restroom?


My mom in TN checking on scheduling an appointment with her hair salon. JFC.

I saw Footloose tractor chicken.

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