COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

If I was to play devil’s advocate about the strains, some of the graphs are misleading, Australia is probably in that category. Australia’s graph shows D614 getting in first and then G614 with a quicker rise later. But since two thirds of Australia’s cases were contracted overseas, that mostly just reflects what was coming in from outside. In other words, Australia’s graph is largely just a restatement of the fact that the strain was becoming dominant in the US and continental Europe. Iceland is the same.


Global. From what I hear, all the lower stakes games are very good.

Yeah even in PA on Stars, there are a few tournaments but nothing amazing. ACR is your best bet for Sunday tourneys in a non-regulated state.

The issue for me though is what doesn’t exist, which is any super-aggressive outbreak not based around G614. South Korea in retrospect was pretty tame. Italy was the OG bad outbreak. Like sure, maybe the virus that was floating around Europe and the US for like 2 months just happened not to cause any aggressive outbreaks. Maybe it’s pure chance that the first instance of a super-aggressive outbreak (in Italy) was driven entirely by the emergence of a new clade with a mutation in the exact spot you’d want one to alter virulence. Maybe it’s coincidence that all the bad outbreaks since then have involved that clade and that it has risen to become the dominant clade in the world. Maybe.

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We have dates!

As a former cinema worker during uni I’m particularly curious how they’ll enforce that 20 person/1 per 4sqm for cinemas if they even have to (may be an exception I haven’t looked in detail).

Lol at going to a movie.

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I could see myself going to a movie on the sixth week showing during a Tuesday afternoon matinee where I know there is going to be at most maybe 5 other people there.

But movie theaters don’t make money from that. They do that just scrape a few bucks during losing money time.

They make their money from big opening weekends of massive films.

Lol that can’t be profitable social distancing, and lol at going to a movie theater without social distancing

We don’t know about which strain went through Iran, right?

Lockdown haircut #2 was not the success that lockdown haircut #1 was. I was almost done and it was okay, and I went in to put the finishing touches on one spot on the side that I didn’t blend particularly well. I was very confident that I was going to nail it.

So confident, in fact, that I did not check which guard was on the clippers. It was supposed to be the #3. It was not. It was the #1.

Epic. Fail.

Now, nobody is going to see it, but I’d like to not be reminded of what a moron I am too blatantly every time I look in the mirror for the next couple of weeks, so I tried to fix it by taking everything down one number on the guards. Made the gash look a little less noticeable, but provided less room for error on my overall weak blend game. Meh.

Not bad enough to just take the #3 to everything, at least. Good news is I’m probably going to have 3-15 more attempts at this before it’s all over. The bad news is, I’m probably going to have 3-15 more attempts at this before it’s all over.

In related news, I just bought two new hats.


It’s not widely known but a similar thing happened in Belgium years ago.

When the country joined the EU several member states voiced concerns that until a few years prior Belgium had given driving licences without requiring tests, meaning there would be elderly Belgian drivers on the roads of Europe who had never taken a driving test.

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First self-haircut ever came out ok. 4 on the top. 2 on the sides. 3 on the DMZ in-between. Back probably looks like shit but I don’t care.

I worked hard for the big smile in pic #2.

Oh yeah the shiny stuff on my nose is rosacea cream. $500/tube in USA#1 Healthcare. Insurance covers it but I was hoping to not hit the deductible this year. Also I can’t tell if it’s doing anything.


Yeah my goal is basically to not fuck it up so bad that she can’t fix it on the first haircut when things go back to normal.

I’m legit just not going to cut my hair or shave until I absolutely can’t take it anymore. Which is a long way from now, I think.

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The back of my neck gets all itchy and scratchy, and honestly the first one went pretty well. It should grow out enough to fix this in 1-1.5 weeks, if I don’t fuck up the fix. Ultimately, there’s always just taking it down to a 3 all over and figuring I’ll probably be in lockdown long enough for it to grow back anyway.

I hit that point today. I was about to fully complete my transformation to Art Garfunkel.

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I haven’t had a haircut since start of lockdown. I bought some clippers. Gonna get my gf to do it tomorrow.

There’s absolutely nothing stopping me just going to a barber and getting a cut, but hey. Maybe it’ll be fun.

COVID-19 (2): Turns out it’s going to be pretty bad actually (and that’s just the haircuts)


My haircut went better than I expected. I have a professional beard trimmer so that helped.

I guess you need a youtoob to speak the language of the people who do all their research on youtoob?

Unusually for a 50 year old you seem to have a full head of hair, which helps.