COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

The couple I know are super not racist - totally believe in climate change - hate Trump. But that fucking anti-vaxxing shit is setting in. I think it’s because of their friends in Baja who live off the grid and are into anti-vaxx and other similar conspiracies big time. People just aren’t wired to resist propaganda like that. It’s too seductive.

They’re like the nicest people I’ve ever met and it really upsets me to see them falling into this. We camped next to each other and pretty much became life-long friends in a few days. We met up 4 different times as we both went down Baja from north to south. We’ve hung out each year since. I’ll still be their friend but argh. I think they’re just too damn nice (Canadian) and absorb whatever is around them.

I reached out to them and my cousin and said if you have any questions about coronavirus - I spend wayyyyy too much time reading about it and will be happy to tell you what I know. I told them my goal is to learn enough to protect myself and my friends and family. Also to try to decide whether or not to keep my money in the stock market. So I try to be super objective and sift through the noise on both sides.

We’ll see if they’re actually curious or just want to buy into conspiracy BS.


The need to call.

As opposed to fold?

Dude, you don’t remember? - Irieguy - the need to call.

I must have missed that essay.

Shame. I will never see that hierarchy of needs without thinking of it.

I call a lot. I’d rather make 100 bad calls than one bad fold. Or was he not talking about that kind of call?

That was it. People want to call. It was a poker essay.

From what I’ve heard listening to Coast to Coast Radio, there’s definitely a weird sort of confluence between the Ben Garrison rightwing anti-vaxxers and the LA crunchy granola anti-vaxxers. I don’t think they have many other points of agreement other than their rejection of modern science.

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Yup. But J Little is a big calling station by his own admission. I think if you have to lean one way it’s better to call due to a) people will know your rep and bluff you less and b) information.

But the real key is advertising that you’re a calling station then making big laydowns. I was getting kind of good at doing that at my little tourneys where for the most part you just know if they have it.

Yeah if we could somehow get the moderate R right-wingers who believe in science like my Mom and stepdad to come over to the D party - there could be a total re-alignment between sane people and kooky people.

I almost feel like playing poker sometimes lately. Is there anywhere that works for Americans?

Bovada, Bet Online, Merge, Global or so I’ve been told. Also poker bros?

I’m making good progress on my book so trying not to get sucked into online poker.

Yeah if you look at that graph, the first few days orange declines, the overall peak is flat or upward because blue is still going up. Even as the full thing goes up, I think blue is still on the upward side of its curve until it’s about 6 bars from the right side. I made a very crude series of edits in Photoshop to show this more clearly - so crude I didn’t even save the file, just snapped a quick cell phone pic like an old.

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Wu’s hospital, which sees a high percentage of poor and underserved patients, has had two deaths and put about 100 people on artificial breathing machines because of COVID-19. New York City has seen more than 13,700 deaths, according to the city’s health department.

Though New York’s overall population is much larger – 8 million versus 880,000 in San Francisco – the difference is striking.

“How does that happen? It’s not just density, San Francisco is the second most dense city in the nation after New York,” Wu said.

In New York, 80% to 90% of patients on ventilators died.

“I would love to say it’s only that we did things better, but the infection and survival rates between New York and San Francisco are night and day,” he said.

They put 100 people on vents and had TWO of them die? What? Maybe this is a media misunderstanding of what “artificial breathing machines” means?

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Ok the US chart doesn’t mean much to me because we know NYC blew up. So D614G could still be the result of the strain that landed in NYC winning out. Obviously (or at least extremely likely) NYC in winter is the most fertile ground in the US for a virus like this.

But if they think that computer modeling shows a likely reason why this strain would be more contagious then yes that’s a huge point in the favor of that theory.

Again for the record - I think it’s likely this strain is more contagious. I’m just playing devil’s advocate.

This is a good summary. As someone who has gotten some invites to mid-stakes private games, I have two completely different game plans/strategies. (Actually more like two different private strats and then my normal poker strat.) It’s impossible to say whether Berkey is doing a little selling on live stream or very blessed to be in soft private games.

A lot of other good players think I’m a station. Ultimately, it obviously varies by opponent, but most basic “good” strategy from 5-10 years ago was waaaaaaaaaay over folding. On the flip side most people were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay under bluffing. So basically you just had to figure out the spots where people were bluffing properly or too much and where they were never bluffing. Station off the first, make big folds on the second, print money.

Global is your best bet for cash, not sure if they have many tourneys and I know you’re more of a SNG guy historically. ACR is usually what people like for tourneys.

Yeah, like it’s not a lock. We know very little about this thing with 100% certainty. But it’s like 75/25 in my non-expert but educated opinion. The Washington example was about as close as we can get to meaningful data - same place, same time, it came in second and it was still growing/flat while the original strain was on a downward track. That said, the slope of its decline does appear to be similar to the slope of the original (orange) decline. So it’s possible that it just got into a couple nursing homes or something and that’s why it was blowing up like that.

I played more cash than SNGs, I just kept posting in STTF.

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I’d never want to play SNGs again - 100k is enough for a lifetime. But it would be awesome of you could play MTTs all Sunday like the old days on Stars (across different sites probably).