COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

So I should short the stock market ?

While conservatives, and likely right wing Christians, are arming themselves and storming capitols because they might have to wear a mask when they go shopping, Sikh doctors are shaving their beards to make sure they can properly wear masks to save lives:


Talking to my buddy… His family is split down the middle. His mother is liberal, so is he. His father was anti-Trump up until a few months ago, now he’s a full Trumper and right wing nutjob talking about cell phone towers and population control via vaccine. His sister has gone full anti-vaxx, too.

I have a feeling when we do find a vaccine, we’re going to have a fucking hell of a time getting 80% of the population to take it. We’re never getting herd immunity, guys, even with a vaccine.


I did. Went on a nice lil hike in the mountains right by my house. Smoked and had a beer and relaxed.


Horses have long been the source of antiserum for a wide variety of uses including diagnostic antibodies and treatment. Iirc on the NY hospitals tried and failed or at least not a big success in 1918. If you are willing to slaughter the animals you can harvest fairy large serum volumes per animal. You just have to have enough virus to inject into the animal in the first plus to stimulate the antibody production.

I don’t know how much they are used these days. I thought most things had gone to monocolonal antibodies (cell tissue culture or making in genetically modified microbial hosts).

Quick search turned this up and it talks about llamas being a good successful antiserum producer so it must be used more than I thought.

I think rabbits are also useful in research. Smaller and cheaper but you aren’t making large quantities.


Then those that die will mostly deserve it. I feel bad for those that can’t be immunized.


Update: She’s doing better. They got her oxygen levels back up. Gave her some steroids and antibiotics and those super breathing treatments that fuck up all that mucus in your lungs.

I sent her pictures again of all my friends on facebook sending her love, praying for her, and rooting for her. Shes in pretty good spirits.

I’m definitely feeling more hopeful, although I know there is still a lot of danger.


Rooting for you guys! You are an amazing son who deserves a lot of praise.


But isn’t that not quite how vaccines work? Aren’t they only about 80-90% effective for an individual? I thought a critical part of making them effective was having enough people vaccinated to create herd immunity.

I am literally having to force myself not to look at detailed state data this week. I’ve used a magic eraser all over the inside and power washed the outside. Anything I can find to do that keeps my anxiety down. I will get no joy in being right about the total disaster I think is about to happen. The red state senators are going to have some major problems with their constituents by June 1. The olds do not appreciate being sacrificed and that is exactly what is going to happen. Not being able to go to other’s funerals is going to be very painful for them.

The specific effectiveness varies. I’m hoping it will be mid 90s or better. It does tend to be worse in older people.

I strongly suspect it will be a multi shot series. I wouldn’t be surprise if we end up going to different formulations and maybe each of those more than once. The upfront maybe whatever is ready first but getting stronger immunity may need a follow up.

With so many candidates and approaches hopefully at least one has a great response.

Herd helps too but it’s more for the vulnerable that can’t be immunized. I expect there will be local areas of outbreak if there is poor compliance in a certain area.

At least if we can hit 70-75% then we can do the ring strategy. When family members got very sick I expect their anti vaccine communities will relent.

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Bolded seems extremely likely. Then when said communities get outbreaks, they’ll blame George Soros and the Clintons for domestic terrorism or something.

You should have realized decades ago the market is a vessel for people with inside knowledge to get rich through volume and fraud rather than an actual indication of how the economy is performing.


Why did you make me look for this. I don’t have a social media feed and now you’ve brought this to our shores.

Nice. They use the llamas names.


The one in the article was Llama Winter, which I think sounds like a great name for a band.

If it were alpacas we could solve two problems with one stone.

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My girlfriend wants to get a llama and a goat once we get a place in the future. I guess she is quite the profit.


I told you all that it would be Llamas that saved us and none of you believed me!!!

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Did the guy’s dad get a spike through his head? How does ANYONE become a trumper a few months ago? Did the MSM kill his grandparents?