COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :anguished: :anguished: :anguished: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

It is truly crazy to me how much the data has flattened out across the country. A couple weeks ago you basically had a handful of states with more than 500 new cases a day, and most states under 100. NY dominated the numbers with NJ a close 2nd. Fast forward to today and you have (have to estimate on a few states as not all data is in yet):

6 states over 1k new cases
19 states over 400 new cases
31 states over 200 new cases.

This is basically the opposite of what we would want to see. This is moving from a situation where we have a few major hotspots to one where the spread is much more even. Keep in mind the people who are being diagnosed now got infected towards the end of April while we were still in lockdown almost everywhere. If we see any kind of a spike from getting OPEN FOR BUSINESS almost every state in the country outside of the tiny population states are going to be in big trouble pretty quickly (within the next month or two).

Now I will keep saying this will be mitigated some by the fact the virus won’t spread as fast as it did in NYC much of anywhere else. Summer may also matter. But it is hard not to see the numbers continue to creep up across the board from the lockdown era and not be significantly concerned about what comes next.


Ted Kaczynski—also a math guy.


+100 :heart:

“we found these businesses instructed employees to not follow quarantine guidelines after exposure to a confirmed case at work and required employees with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis to still report to work”

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Are you referring to his manifesto or am I not aware of something else?

I know how these ass holes work.

If they were some how to win then they go from; I should not be forced to wear a face mask, to no one else should be allowed to wear a face mask.

They are not content until they are telling other people what they can and cannot do. Its a power trip. That’s what right wing authoritarianism is all about, having power over others.


Yes, his Manifesto. WaPo printed the whole 35,000 word thing.

Won’t you take me back to Muhlenberg County…

–John Prine, who was killed by coronavirus. Eta and as I was just informed by my virus isolation buddy, had his ashes spread along the Green River.


Just freedom, free markets, commerce, etc, doing their thing. Doesn’t it just make you want to stand up and sing God Bless America?

Ok fair enough but that was done at the recommendation of law enforcement at the barrel of a gun.

Im not sure I understand this. Shouldn’t the number of atheists continue to grow proportionally to the amount of information available to the general public?

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unnamed business

wtf name it!


Hell yeah, nearly 9 times less likely to die than if you were a year older!

Costco from the top rope, lol Karen


Good catch. I literally mean to type theists. I fixed it. You’re exactly correct and I totally agree.

How are these jackasses not on their way to prison?

Matt Groening is definitely a time traveler: