COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Nebraska has been one state that obviously hasn’t gotten out of exponential growth yet and is 12th in per capita cases. They can probably safely be added to the LOL pile.

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Random question for anybody with some anibody testing knowledge. I of course have no details, other than a family friend took an antibody test, and the results came back at “1.4”. Somehow they don’t have any other information than this, which seems bizarre. The guy’s wife is scheduled for one tomorrow and will try to get some details there, but I hadn’t seen reference to antibody test results coming back with a random number rather than yea/nay.

Send her to the gulags imo.

Wishing Stims mum the best @StimAbuser sending :bouquet::bouquet::bouquet: & :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Worthless graph without incorporating concomitant testing changes.

Good luck, sir. I hope that there isn’t truly a “high probability” that she catches COVID-19 in the hospital. Honestly no clue if that’s true, but you’d think that they’d be doing everything possible to not infect everyone.


If you noticed, he said its because Trump either doesnt want to be taken out of context, lol who knows how that would happen with saying Death counts are lower than being reported but??? he followed up by saying im sure Trump knows many things in general he doesnt say for obvious reasons, except theres not an obvious reason here lol

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saw this on a breitbart headline but i see it in other articles after i looked,

From Cuomo, on new cases in new york:

“If you notice, 18% of the people came from nursing homes, less than 1% came from jail or prison, 2% came from the homeless population, 2% from other congregate facilities, but 66% of the people were at home, which is shocking to us,” Cuomo said.

This is a surprise. Overwhelmingly, the people were at home,” he added. “We thought maybe they were taking public transportation, and we’ve taken special precautions on public transportation, but actually no, because these people were literally at home.”

Gonna guess they might have been at home but other people came to their homes that weren’t or they are lieing as to avoid embarassment? Otherwise the take from the derposphere is what exactly? I’m at a loss

This is making me think about canceling my sub to WaPo. How could they let this fucking garbage get printed. What about an op-ed by Ted Kaczynski or Christopher Paul Hasson next?


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We need to put everyone in jail ldo

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It’s a nothing story. They basically counted everyone who didn’t live in non-volunatry confinement as “at home” from what I can tell. That doesn’t mean anything other than people quarantining still got sick from trips to the grocery store/delivery/takeout/walks/runs/etc. Nothing was really open in NYC so some huge number getting it at “bars” or “restaurants” isn’t even possible. Not that you would know that anyways.




JK. I love you and your contributions, dude.

Since you don’t have to take care of her right now, try to do something fun or fulfilling for yourself. Like a bicycle ride. I dunno. Caregiver stress sucks and it’s not good for either of you.


I’m almost certain this was settled in the landmark case No Shoes v. No Service? But whatever please light more money on fire with these stupid lawsuits

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In China most people were infected in their homes by other family members. Most likely a lot of these people were infected by a family member who was still working, doing the shopping, etc. Also people may have different definitions of “staying home.” Does it include buying your own groceries? Taking a walk? Sneaking out once a week for a little Netflix and Chill?

A surprisingly high number of people would classify their behavior as “staying home” while doing all of that.

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They printed an OpEd from Ted Kaczynski.


Ted Kaczynski makes a lot of good points. Like, more than the current President.


Fat thumbs as long as the spelling is close enough to understand.

And thank you


Technically those signs don’t say anything about pants