COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Get movin’ on those beaches, dumbasses.

The case data is so dependent on testing capacity and implementation. I grabbed today’s data and factored it in and a new leader shot to the top:

Muhlenberg, KY	35.69%	[114, 116, 123, 125, 125, 132, 132, 442]

So just a 235% increase in the past day. Obviously something going on. It didn’t take long to determine that this county is the home of the Green River Correctional Facility and they finally just got around to testing everybody:

The coronavirus has spread rapidly through the 982-bed medium/minimum security prison in Muhlenberg County, forcing corrections officials to scramble in their response.

In recent days, 1,081 inmates at the prison were tested, with results in 1,029 of those tests having been returned by Tuesday, state officials said. The infection rate of about 40 percent is high but not uncommon for confined populations, where people cannot socially distance, officials said.

Apparently it was a big deal. My 2 or 3x great grandfather was the oldest Orangeman in Ontario when he died at 100. Emigrated at age 13 in 1840 with his family. Older members of my Dads family had a very hard time when my Dad married into a French catholic family (immigrants from Quebec)

Best we can reconstruct, a Scottish “undertaker” (land Barron) got a grant of land in Ireland from the crown in the 15 or 1600s. He recruited farmers from Scotland to be tenant farmers. My family name comes from Fermenaugh but we don’t know the exact connection.

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If Arizona government is hiding their models why would you think they are being honest about cases and especially deaths.

And as we’ve discussed here, density is a tricky thing. Average density means nothing if you have 1 packed city and tons of nothing.

Unrelated, here’s something nice:

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I go back and forth on this, but it kind of still feels like we’re on a slow burn towards major societal collapse. I know, something something whatabout malaria meow chow, etc., but this continues to be so fucking bad for the world. Gonna be a wild ride when all the red states start re-closing in like June or July because their hospitals start getting overwhelmed, and then all the finance bros realize this actually is a big deal and the Dow crashes to like 10k. I continue to think we’re exceeding US casualties in WW2 by the end of the year.

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Why would they shut down again when they can just keep lying about it?


Has there ever been a Mayor of NYC who wasn’t a complete shit?

lol I just found out the guy responsible for the “cubic model” was one of those guys who wrote “Dow 36,000”.


Also, Abolish NYPD!

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The same reason why they shut down in the first place and even Trump went along with it. When the numbers get high enough you can’t lie about it. Too many people dying, everyone knows somebody, hospitals overwhelmed, etc. I live in NY. Everyone knows somebody who got this.

He’s got some previous ridiculous use of cubic curve fitting with economics like the Laffer curve.

Multiple offender.

100% what I expected from OKC.

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To shut down once again would be to both defy Dear Leader and to abandon his first principle: never admit wrongdoing. Shutting down the first time they could float. I don’t think they can shut down again.

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Define society collapsing as that could be from a couple of riots in some red states when the bodies pile up there to Mad Max USA. So far any of your predictions of actual outcomes have been pretty over the top. And please don’t mention the flu as I don’t remember anyone here saying it is just the flu. Just that at the time of your prediction of nuclear war we didn’t even know how it compared to the flu.

They made Ed Koch a TV judge and all TV judges are good people else they wouldn’t be on TV.

Actual answer: La Guardia? A Republican, amazingly.

I guess we’ll just have to see. I think what we’ve seen is that the Republican Party is a cult, but it’s not quite a suicide cult. Trumps approval ratings were taking hard the first go round when he suggested olds should die for the Dow. We get to like 3-5k deaths a day and he does nothing and they’re going to start tanking again. He never admits wrongdoing but he does flip flop when the heat turns on. He just lies that he ever supported the flip in the first place after he flops and his cult accepts that.

I mean, I said I thought the flu would kill more Americans a while back, but that’s because I thought this would be more like OG SARS: deadlier, maybe even more contagious, but competent responses in affected areas and the US result in containment. Is ebola worse than the flu? In a lot of ways yes, but it’s much more containable.

Lol, go back to the first thread. Flu whataboutism and other disease whataboutism (like malaria) was widespread back in January and February. Check out any posts from @jalfrezi from around that time, but he wasn’t the only one. Societal collapse means exactly what it sounds like. Large scale wars and the collapse of the US and/or other major western powers, at least temporarily. Not Mad Max, no, but the fall of major countries. I’m back and forth on it.