COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I got an iced tea maker a couple weeks ago and let me tell you, sitting on my ass at home drinking deliciously home brewed iced tea tastes pretty damn good. Mango Green Tea, anyone? Perhaps some Wild Raspberry Hibiscus Tea? Or some standard Black Tea with Lemon?

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Seems like what most likely happened is that the West Coast got the original strain first, and the nursing home in Washington got hit relatively early… This caused lockdowns to start BEFORE the (presumed) more contagious strain got there, thus the more contagious strain didn’t rip through the community the way it did in NYC.

here’s something nice to brighten your day (sort of)


I hope the native Americans enjoy the shipping container of potatoes.



Right. California for example is a mix of strains now, G614 is not confined to the east anymore. But what it looks like to me is that G614 will wreck your shit within days if you don’t already have control measures, whereas the earlier strains didn’t spread so aggressively. None of this is proven yet but it seems more likely than not.

Hilariously I’ve moved a few dozen truckloads of potatoes off an Indian reservation.


So what are the chances US government tightens their re opening recommendations (I gather states themselves control the actual laws in this area) again if cases really spike? Got to be so low even if it gets to 10000 deaths a day.

I agree.

Very low. They’ll just try to bullshit through it IMO. It looks so bad politically to go back and say they fucked up. Trump will let states and cities handle that stuff, and the ones who shut back down will get new assholes ripped for them on Twitter thanks to our wonderful president.

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Feels like full steam ahead. Keep a stiff upper lip, some people need to make sacrifices kind of stuff.

The one avenue for it is if it gets so bad the economy completely collapses on its own because people stop working and then the brain trust will rush in and act like they shut things down to save people.

Otherwise I don’t see it. Since it will not likely blow up all at once Trump will attack individual states and governors as they blow up.

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My Scotch-Irish Namesake ancestors got out of Ireland in 1840, just in time. We were orange Irish, so they went to Ontario before my line came to Michigan 40 years later.

Did not know this about the Choctaw, so soon after the trail of tears. But yeah, divine providence. We are the unholiest holy nation.

It might change next Jan 20. Not before.


If Biden wins, this will be the most insane transition of all time.


Biden transition team should be led by Kirsten Gilibrand, who was really prescient about the need to Clorox the Oval Office.

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Why does such a supposedly left wing city choose such fucking horrible mayors?


Huh. Republican gov shuts down state university model.

They’re literally eschewing states’ rights by deferring to the federal standards. The left should be ecstatic.

This on top of all the widespread reopening is just so depressing. We’re just going to fuck over everyone, and cover it up as best as can be. Like, I was depressed in early March, that it was going to be terrible, and nothing was going to be done, but then we did the lockdowns, and they were working far better than I expected. We weren’t out of the woods, but we at least had something that was working. Washington has under 900 deaths! Santa Clara county, despite being one of the earliest hit, is now in a regime where there are low-doulble-digit cases per day, not just deaths. I ordered takeout food today. For the first time in about 2 months, I ate food not cooked by me or my immediate family.

And now, Republican states have decided to just piss all that away and go back to the worst case scenario, joyously and knowingly. It’s insane, and it’s going to kill so many people who didn’t want to open back up, so many people who don’t go outside, and so many people who now have no choice but to do so under the threat of starvation and homelessness. And the goal of the Republicans is to make their deaths as invisible as possible. Hide them. Hide the data. Hide the studies. lielielielielielielielielielie. Stalinandthelittleguybeforeandafter.png to all of them. Forget the tests, no one died of the rona unless a Republican says they did. Come to Florida, spend what you can before your bank account turns into someone else’s inheritance, no biggie, it was just pneumonia.


California has more deaths than AZ per capita from COVID. AZ had one of the first known cases (a member of ASU) in the US. Move on, find a new slant.